After thinking for about a year about it I decided to rename the project to 🚀NetAlertX. This will help prevent confusion about which fork someone is using, and differentiate it from the now stale upstream project. With about 1800 or so commits over the stale project, I thought, this project deserved a new name. It will also remove the confusion about only supporting Raspberry Pi’s 😵

On top of the rename, I implemented ✨unlimited icons - just find an SVG you like and use it 😄.

The rename from PiAlert to NetAlertX should be pretty straightforward and existing setups should work fine, no manual migration steps should be necessary. Still, caution is recommended.

Check this thread for edge-cases and the guide if you decide to change your docker-compose.

    11 months ago

    Edit: if you’re evaluating this, use a chromium based browser because there’s a pile of things not working if you use FF. That means I’m not going to use it, but you do you.

    The hard to find ARP scan dialog box that is pretty much the starting point for anything here is very special. There’s no dropdown that lists the physical interfaces so you have to hunt around to find the listing for Network Hardware that for some reason is under the About top level menu item. Of course, that lists every virtual docker interface along with the physical network devices so you’d better know what you’re looking for.

    Contrary to the poorly organized docs, the physical interface will rarely be eth0 or eth1, it’ll be something like “enp5s2”. So now you go back to edit the entries to the physical interface but you can’t, all you can do is Remove All. Well, better get your entries letter perfect, because if you make a mistake on a single character, you’re starting from scratch after another Remove All.

    In your docs, you recommend not editing the app.conf file, but that would be way more forgiving than this. At least there you can add VLANs.

    And there’s no way I can see to bulk add new devices to a known and/or trusted state. Go into each device and uncheck the “New Device” box. How do I add a device to My Devices? Who knows.

    Publishers: Nothing to find in the Settings for each of the publishers. Every publishers settings section is blank.

    UI will take to blinking randomly as it gets into a refresh loop. Have to close the window and reopen it to get it usable again. Sometimes all the text in each setting header goes away. No headings on the tables for the Devices, just the set order arrows that would be on each column, not lined up with anything correctly. Oh, now I’ve lost every setting on each setting section, just blank.

    I’m reticent to get much more into the app because if this is the introduction, I’m scared of what other frustration I’m going to find. Not to mention having the arrows for the left menu tree expansion backwards to how nearly everyone else ever does it, but I guess that’s just my OCD.

    Man, I want to like this because it looks like it could be a simple to use version of Nagios, but some of the design is pretty hard to take.

    • jokob@lemmy.worldOP
      11 months ago

      Hey, thanks for trying out NetAlertX.

      I’m using FF as my primary browser so not sure about why your experience is so different.

      I think I’ve done alright, writing an app that is configurable via json manifests, dynamically loaded settings and a plugin system everyone can contribute to.

      There are of course things to improve, and almost everything listed in your post is something on my long to-do list. It’s very easy to find flaws in things, but what’s more difficult is to contribute to the community and improve things.

      So if you are up for a challenge - open a PR and help me improve things step by step.

      Thanks in advance if you decide to help out! Otherwise, comments like these make free open-source work unenticing🙏

      EDIT: Fixed the empty settings (hopefully), added a remove last button on the subnets setting.

      Oh also - there is a well documented bulk-editing feature: VLANS are documented here: