LONDON/GENEVA/BERLIN, Feb 20 (Reuters) - The U.S. is refusing to co-sponsor a draft U.N. resolution marking three years since Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine that backs Kyiv’s territorial integrity and again demands Russia withdraw its troops, three diplomatic sources told Reuters, in a potential stark shift by Ukraine’s most powerful Western ally.
Why the fuck is the US doing this. Oh yeah voted in a russian asset
If I was a Palestinian watching Democrats complain right now I’d be laughing. Democrats decided Israel was more important than American democracy.
The DNC fucked up and ran a bad race, but saying it’s the fault of the Democrats for Republicans doing these things in real life is a shit argument. Perhaps if Kamala had gone all in on helping Palestine, she maybe would have won and things might be different. Alternatively, she may have lost more voters and lost by more. There is no way to say, so putting the blame on anyone but the actual party doing the bad stuff is nothing more than empty platitudes.
The DNC decided that. Our two party system gave us Shit and Shittier in the election and neither cared about Palestinians.
Pretty much no voters, not even most liberal or leftist ones, actually gave enough of a shit about Palestine to have been single-issue voters on that topic.
The Democrats lost because:
They did fuck-all to meaningfully reduce inequality or help the working class and tried to gaslight us about the economy being good because the rich people’s line was going up instead.
Their rhetoric about the danger of Trump and Project 2025 was both weak and not backed up by action to stop it. Biden couldn’t even be bothered to appoint people who would stop DeJoy’s sabotage of mail-in ballots, for fuck’s sake, let alone vigorously and expeditiously prosecute Trump for his coup attempt and myriad other crimes. The Democrats’ noses were so far up the asses of their plutocratic corporate donors that, even though the threat was very real, they couldn’t being themselves to treat it seriously and thus lacked credibility.