Sec. 2. Closing the Department of Education and Returning Authority to the States. (a) The Secretary of Education shall, to the maximum extent appropriate and permitted by law, take all necessary steps to facilitate the closure of the Department of Education and return authority over education to the States and local communities while ensuring the effective and uninterrupted delivery of services, programs, and benefits on which Americans rely.
I think what we’ve seen is that Congress only has the powers that it uses. Sure, they could stop trump from nuking the DoE, but if they don’t do shit, then it doesn’t matter.
If you live in a state in the US, then you have a congress critter (multiple really) that represents you. Red, Blue, or independent, go to their town halls, go to their open forums, go to their offices, and tell them to do their fucking job. Whether that is officially closing the DoE, or preventing trump from doing it, they need to legislate it.
You can look up your Senators and Rep here. Just called all 3 of my Congressmen and told them to do their jobs and legislate. I got through to my Rep’s office (they’re smaller and local) and left messages for both of my senators. All three are feckless republican shit-hawks, but at least I let them know they need to exercise the checks congress has, and that felt pretty good.