No idea what “Slay the Spire” is so I had to look it up:
Cartoon makes more sense now!
No idea what “Slay the Spire” is so I had to look it up:
Cartoon makes more sense now!
Removed, questionable source. Lots of graffiti isn’t news.
Reported as “not news”, but I’m more inclined to let up and down votes do the work here, I tend to agree that celebrity news isn’t really news, but this ones on the community.
Happened to me when I got a press sneak preview of Duke Nukem Forever. I reported that the game was garbage and the devs seemed oddly proud of not throwing out assets that were 14 years old.
“You don’t know! You didn’t play the whole thing!”
Yeah, you’re right, I played what the marketing team WANTED me to see and it was trash tier, you think the stuff they DIDN’T want me to see was better?
End result?
We don’t allow editorialized headlines. Please revert to the original or we’ll have to remove it.
“Trump Fires Joint Chiefs Chairman Amid Flurry of Dismissals at Pentagon”
Actually, never mind, I just realized this is !world@lemmy.world and not !politics@lemmy.world
World does not allow internal US news.
Country is fine… the politicians though…
Wait, therapists let you drink wine in session?
How am I just finding out about this now??!?!?
While completely incorrect, it’s important to remember that the IRS intentionally audits people like you and me and not Musk and Trump, because “it’s too hard”…
Pope vs. Anti-Pope is always mixed at a 1:1 ratio.
Sooo… black smoke in 3-2-1?
Interesting bit of trivia for anyone interested in such things:
In 1595, a “prophecy” was published claiming to predict all the Popes through the end times.
Benedict was the last one on the list. So we’re in uncharted territory until “Peter the Roman” ends it all by destroying Rome.
You kid, but have you seen what you can do with an ARRAY of Billy Bass? ;)
Would have been funnier if the therapist had been the dude on the horse.
Sub felon -> “adjudicated rapist”.
Problem solved!
Could be part of the “rounding up”, same for the Florida Keys.
And if you measure it in miles of coastline…
Mexico - 1,743 miles.
US - 1,680 miles.
Other sites round up the US portion to an even 1,700, which is STILL short(!)
Internal US News is not “World”. See !news@lemmy.world or !politics@lemmy.world
True story, I met an old, retired CIA spook at a wedding. Dude looked like Col. Sanders, down to having the white suit. So I asked him:
“I don’t want you to tell me anything you’re not supposed to tell me, but when Kennedy got killed, what was the talk around the water cooler?”
“Oh, hell, we all thought Johnson did it.”
No pause, no thoughtful chin rubbing. “We all thought Johnson did it.”
That’s not entirely fair, there have been no allegations made against Cardinal Czerny specifically, generally? Against the church and even other Cardinals? Sure, but not this guy.
People are going to be shocked to learn how many books and magazines are printed in Canada and China and imported.