To be fair, we have no idea how many COVID infections or deaths China had or how many prisoners they have. It isn’t like they are the most transparent with either matter.
Everything else he said checks out. 🇺🇲
We have 2 million prisoners for 330 million people.
They claim 1.6 million prisoners for their 1.4 billion people.
Even if it were double what China claims, per capita we keep far more of our people in bondage, because we found and disgustingly prioritize the private profit in it. More prisoners for private for profit prisons, and more slave labor leased out to for profit corporations.
We put people in cages using any excuse to increase quarterly earnings expectations for our sociopath class. “Land of the free,” Lo fucking L.
The number of imprisoned is the point he made, not the per capita.
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Neither country really has a leg to stand on here. China sucks too.
Taiwan #1!
Taiwan #1!
After “gun violence”, he should’ve added “gun violence against children”.
What, you mean you don’t like a thousands children dying from gun violence every year!?
I always like to compare with Japan. Japan had 0 children killed by guns in 2021 and the US had 2,590. Almost half of US parents worry about their children being shot.
Populism FIRST. FFY
I do not like this meme much. I grew tired of stock photos for “r/clevercomebacks”.
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I may not like the CCP, but you have to give credit to where it is due. The government is run by pragmatic technocrats with long term vision. These are the characteristics that America has lost long ago. It is so ironic and funny that it is China who is the promoter now of international free trade.
FWIW, I HATE the CCP. Though they do keep China from being all it could be which could be bad for other countries.
as a canadian, i think it’s pretty safe to say the US is not first in much these days.
things have changed. a lot.
What are you talking about? He literally listed a bunch of things we’re first at!
The truth is that the U.S. contributes the most to foreign aid funds, and still gets zero to little political good will.
Any reason you can think of why that might be the case?
Yes, but let’s stop pretending that all other countries are angelic heavens with leaders who have nothing but the best intentions for all people, everywhere. Every country has its issues, and it’s really easy to blame them on “imperialists”.
Why create the “yeah but” space?. If someone points out that there is a problem with gun violence in America the response should be “yeah, that’s not good, we should try and figure out some sort of solution” not “yeah but we donate the most in foreign aid”.
I’m sincerely not taking the piss. I feel like creating that sort of space is dangerous not only because it avoids accountability but also because it feels nice and its easy to do.
But nothing you said is wrong, I don’t think ill of you, not trying to catch you out, I agree with what you are saying. Was just trying to help you follow the thought you were on to see where it would get you.
I agree, the Chinese poster is on point about all their statements.
In this particular post. Remember, propaganda has to include some truth or it won’t work very well. That post is true. Whereas one would be pretty stupid to trust as true most of what the CCP-controlled media says.
I fail to see how one would get the idea that someone is saying other countries are “angelic heavens with leaders who have nothing but the best intentions for all people” from this discussion.
A better statistic with which to make comparisons between nations is the % of GDP or budget of said nations devoted to aid. The US is first in the actual amount given, but our budgetary % is pretty low compared to other nations. Not to mention the aid figures given include military aid and similar that ends up coming back to US companies.
It’s the American way to destabilize a country than pay for aid.
No wonder it doesn’t end up with net positive political good will.
In fairness, all countries play the destabilization games against each other. That’s the core of realpolitiks.
Yet few do it as openly as the states.
So, you are saying doing it covertly is better?
No, what I said was ‘Yet few do it as openly as the states.’.
Ok I’m not defending her here but this is a stupid reply because she’s obvuously referring to prioritizing the interests of America, not that America is #1.
He’s not wrong in what he said, it’s just the wrong tweet to dunk on.
When has the US been anything but USA first, everyone else last in the last 70 years?
Legally murdering it’s own citizens in droves in capitalist confidence schemes like the Healthcare Insurance scam industry to increase private stockholder profit?
🇺🇸 We’re number one! 🇺🇸
The “wolf warriors” used to come in hot a.f.
Wow! What a smackdown.
She’s talking about the population density of fascists. America is first and China is last
Wtf are you talking about? China is also fascist, although in different ways.
No they aren’t and you should go read some of Robert Paxton’s books on fascism if you think they are.