• Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    26 days ago

    I get where the republican leaders are coming from. No no, hear me out.

    Trump is a narcisist, and in 2015 the GOP were shitty people doing shitty things. They were just a bit more closed door with their cult like activities. By this point, Fox News had been saying bullshit and brainwashing people for 20 years. So as long as they made a legitimate attempt to make things look credible, and the democrats faults, they could defend their bullshit by saying “yeah, but what about them? They did this other thing!” And now their viewers are distracted by the other thing, that may or may not have even happened…but it LOOKS credible to their 2015 audience.

    And the politicians of that day in the GOP just asked one simple question. "How can I stay in power, and do things to benefit me, while blaming the left for any consequences I may face?

    Now you have to remember, 2008-2016 the GOP had been pounded again and again and again by the thing they hate. Unity. Here was the nation, celebrating a president that wasn’t a good ol’ boy. Here was a black guy, who just for the first time in a 230+ year old country history became president. Even Clinton was a middle aged white guy sleezeball from Arkansas. He wasn’t one of THEM, but he was ONE of them.

    So for 8 years, they were panicing, and scared, and anxious. And quite frankly, they didn’t have a game plan. Then the 2016 election season starts, and the GOP is lost. Completely uncoordinated. Yoj got about 40 people in the primaries. Their base doesn’t know who to root for. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton is basically standing there, looking like The Hulk. Pretty much unopposed from the left.

    And as this scary season drags on, it’s clear that the DNC is going to steam roll them. They have a plan, they have their ducks in a row. They’re preparing speeches months out. While the GOP has like 35 candidates still not dropping out.

    And the thing is, nobody in the GOP wanted to drop out. EVERYBODY wanted that golden opertunity to say to their base “I’M the one that led us away from having a woman president, after having a black president”. The fact that ALL of them wanted it is how we got 30 candidates all walking on eggshells, because at the time politics was very much a sensitive thing. You can think one thing, and you can know your base also thinks that thing, but you can’t say that thing. You’ll poll poorly and lose.

    Meanwhile, trumps not a politician. He didn’t expect to win, so fuck it. He’s just there to hear himself talk. And after he loses, and doesn’t get the primary nomination, he’ll go home. He’ll still be donald trump. He did this in 2000, and 2008. He probably thought he’d do it again in 2024. So all the other republicans are detailing facts that cater to their campaign. They’re talking numbers. Boring politics, just as it had always been. Meanwhile trump is over on his own little sideshow yelling DEPORT THE MEXICANS! BUILD A WALL!!! and the republican base is cheering him louder than any of the 20 real campaigns you knew would be winning.

    But each of the remaining were getting nervous. Sure, a lot had dropped out over 8 months, but there was still like 15 guys left, and nobody was sure who was going to win. I mean for gods sake, Jeb Bush’s entire campaign was basically “My last name is Bush. It’s my turn.”

    All the while trump is just making soundbytes, with no substance, and getting all the attention. So when the primaries finally came, voters cokldn’t even remember the difference between the other 8 guys. Trump was racist, and they connected to that. I mean seriously. Who the fuck is Jim Gilmore?

    And then…Hillary was just…the worst candidate the DNC could have ran with. Remember earlier when I said they had all their plans early, and a stable campaign? Well, it had one fatal flaw. It centered around quite frankly one of the most unlikeable candidates they could have picked. So Hillary snatched defeat from the jaws an already dead fish washed up on the beach.

    And now, the GOP is losing their shit. They’re now stuck with an outsider who has no background as a politician, no experience in any government setting, and is known nationally as the punchline of who’s gone bankrupt THREE TIMES from running CASINOS!!! The house ALWAYS wins!!! They’re literally a legal scam designed to never fail! How do you fuck that up at all, let alone three distinctly different times??? And now he was their guy.

    So you can imagine the panic that crept in, until somewhere along the line, somebody figured out something very very important. If you kiss his ass, he’ll like you, and be easily manipulated by you.

    And all of the sudden it’s like a lightbulb went off. All these assholes in this photo realized almost a decade ago that trump is a very useful tool. You smooch his backside, he gives you the controls of his own marionette strings.

    So now, you understand this picture. Trump is a tool, and all these assholes around him are kissing his ass, to get him to do their bidding. Because they know in 4 years trump will no longer matter, and they can get back to the fight they started with each other in 2015.

    So. Like I said in the begining. I UNDERSTAND what these guys are all doing. I don’t like it. I don’t agree with it. But it makes logical sense once you realize that not a single one of these people has anyones best interest at heart but their own.

    What I DON’T understand, is the democrats logic. The republicans should be easy to deal with, with simple divide and conquor tactics, since none are loyal to each other. So what the fuck are the democrats doing???