Personally I think we should lean into this. First question to that White House Press Secretary should be, “When is the coronation?”. Then start referring to Trump as “His Highness” at every instance of speaking to a MAGAt or Republican and “Your Highness” directly to Trump. Force the issue and make them uncomfortable until they stop.
Like using Gen Alpha slang when you’re obviously not, just to annoy them. Skibidi toilet forever!
Personally I think we should lean into this.
Absolutely not. Haven’t you ever heard of Poe’s Law? Or the “Big Lie,” for that matter?
Repeating it to mock it would only transform into endorsing it sincerely.
Backslash as in “taken down for being an enemy of the state and a threat to the constitution”? No? OK, come back when they remember their oath of office.
“Their highness” let them loose it over pronouns once again haha
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