Doesn’t Nigel Farage live in France? Why the fuck does any Briton listen to this douchebag?
Please repeat that.
Go ahead. I’ll keep blaming racist fuckfaces
Or am I just “whooshing” here and that was a reference to the neoliberal wing who’s idea it was and how they’d rather have trump than anyone like Obama again?
They’d rather have any white male rather than any woman or anyone else of color. But after all the investment and effort in Trump, no point trying to put someone else in the seat so they stuck with him.
I don’t blame a black man. I blame the racists who couldn’t accept a black man.
MAGA never got over a black man as POTUS. They were never going to allow a woman, a black/Asian woman, to becom POTUS, by any means necessary.
PS Yes I’m saying the vote was stolen.
How long before the fuck-your-feelings crowd feels their feelings fucked?
Now they’re rare, soon to be extinct. Poor bread.
“Today, in solidarity with our Russian masters, the letter Z may be used in the White House. Words starting or containing the letter Z is verboeten!”
Hilarious that a teenage girl once terrified the upper echelons of right-wing politicians.
Americans need to “delay, deny, defend” against Nazification “by any means necessary.”
Canada will be treated like Puerto Rico to ensure this doesn’t happen…
That’s fucking macabre… And since it’s from Israel, there’s probably a bug in the pager too…
And when he takes the tariffs off, the prices never go back to the original starting point.