Meh. Lemmy is for them too, even if they are outnumbered.
Does…does it have to be?
I kinda want them here so they can be exposed to leftist ideas and become thigh-high wearing, Linux using furries.
But that’s probably just me huffing hopium
“I can fix them…” ~Common thought in an abusive relationship
It’s not going to work, at best they see themselves as a “missionary” whose purpose is to convert us from our “ways” and they’re not going to allow themselves to be converted.
Conservatives do change. Exposure is key. We’re where we are at because the rich have isolated us in echo-chambers. Speaking as a former conservative whose entire family across 3 generations shifted to the left. I caution your thinking they’re a lost cause.
It’s less about an abusive relationship and getting them therapy.
I’ve never met a conservative that wasn’t a trash human if I dug deep enough.
Universally uninformed and hateful. Prerequisites for the ideology.
I was a conservative. I am not a trash human…um…I am also not remotely conservative anymore, so…hmmm. 🤔
I know conservatives that are alright. But they drank the koolaid…
I think a lot of them need an antidote more than exile. But it’s hard to find it for them…
They could be allies still.
Find common ground. Most are gonna be laborers
Not sure I can find common ground with individuals who support felon rapists who illegally attempted to nullify 83 million American’s votes and is attempting to dissolve our federal government.
Some would call those individuals traitors.