Bring the pain.
The harder the better. Trump won’t stop on his own. The people will need to get pissed and demand change.
Bring the pain.
Target exports from red states. Squeeze those Trump voting mother fuckers until reality slaps them in the face and they squeal like the little facist pricks they are.
Bring the pain.
Trade war with our allies! So much freedom and cost savings.
What are friends for if you can’t tax them into enemies??
We tariff you infinity plus one.
But did you triple stamp it?
Art of the Deal
This is not a fucking Parker Brothers board game. Trump is an incredible moron.
Laugh all you want but this is clearly a top 4d chess move. It’s a little early to tell exactly what it is, but it’s either the I’m rubber; you’re glue gambit, or it could be the neener-neener maneuver. Either way, we should be proud to witness this in our lifetimes.
Next, cancel visa free travel to Canada. Build more trade deals with China and ASEAN.
My God we’re all going to starve to death.
And this, my friends, are why tariffs are dumb.