- Dating an abusive partner
- Abusive partner ruins your life
- Date a supportive reasonable partner
- Get bored with the lack of ‘excitement’
“Democrats don’t love us enough to tell us how ugly we are every day”
Economic recovery is slow and uneven thanks to Republicans fighting and stalling every economic measure proposed in order to make Dems look bad and republicans extracting their own concessions from the Dem plan to make the plan weaker and put more money in rich people’s pockets.
And the Dem delusion, of course, that just one more compromise with the GOP will reset political relations between the parties to its pre-1990s configuration.
When Obama elected to reinflate the housing bubble rather than provide affordable housing it set the stage for biden’s loss. But the modern housing bubble began with Clinton.
It continued through multiple neoliberal administrations because those people value markets over anything else.
We have the same cycle here in Australia with our centre-right Labor and fascist-nazi Liberal parties.
You read that right - in Australia the conservative party is called “Liberal”. 1984 level lying…
Evidence that the American electorate cannot sustain its own democracy.
You can replace this with the Union Jack and Democratic President with Labour Government and Republican President with Tory Government.