Rich coming from someone whose openly a bigoted troll on and offline
Rich coming from someone whose openly a bigoted troll on and offline
Ukraine is going to renuclearize
Any attempts of anyone to do anything he doesn’t like is an attempt to screw him in his eyes.
The EU’s major effect isn’t harm to the us but keeping France, England, and Germany from shooting each other
Real milk contains mammal estrogen instead of just the plant kind.
See that’s the best people when you’re early in transition. No [deadname] wait sorry [name], just a good sincere “who are you people and why do i feel like i recognize you”
Against You! Jeers for Queers Garbage Donald Trump Jihad
Ah the millennial sexual revolution.
But for real, Chinese people are just people but in China. Some of their conditions are different like the gender disparity but many are similar
Offer citizenship to Americans in exchange for sufficient donations and give might even get jt
What. Literally the entire point of it was that the good person helped a stranger who was different when the people who weren’t different and had an expectation and responsibility to help. That’s not interpretation anymore than deciding it’s likely to rain tomorrow is interpretation of a weather report calling for rain on Tuesday.
So many Christians jump through hoops to ignore the explicit message. But these are the people who fetishize guns and excuse police murder while putting the words “thou shalt not kill” on government buildings
Well yeah the guy on the right is a Jewish immigrant saying to be nice
I didn’t realize he was in the flds
I know left wingers who look like that. Thing is they want it for themselves and don’t force it on the rest of us