I got laid off in September and now I’m about to get fucking evicted lmfao
The man has billions, he could retire and live a life of hedonistic bliss unavailable to any human in history.
Instead he chooses to meddle in politics and signal boost the worst portions of humanity.
I can’t find any fucks to give.
Normalize Elon hate
Don’t feel too special Elon. You are just the biggest cancerous tissue but nevertheless you are in the same category
Sounds like he isn’t getting nearly enough in person.
As if he doesn’t also have millions of hollow-brained adoring money-worshipping fans who think he’s the best thing since the third reich. That should balance out the hate.
Fucker has been getting cyberbullied practically non-stop since he bought Twitter. If anything, it’s not stressful enough.
Rich coming from someone whose openly a bigoted troll on and offline
if he only reads X.com comments, i am afraid you’re going down a path I can’t follow
Elon if you’re reading this I’m really sorry. In fact I believe we should make you feel even more pain, garbage.
Better if he didn’t feel anything at all.
“Wah! This hate isn’t supposed to be at meeEEE!”
Well that’s what happens when you groom your stepdaughter
He can stress on these balls
if he’s still around, it’s not as stressful as it needs to be.
He’d best be happy its just online so far. IRL reckoning isn’t so easy to ignore