Better if he didn’t feel anything at all.
If nothing else, there have been countless Secret Service agents and military personnel around figures like Trump and Musk - every single one of them who had the opportunity to take the shot but chose not to, has violated their oath, and are complicit in this country’s downfall.
Literally listened to a coworker whine a few days ago about Transformers (or some kids show featuring robots, idr) adding a character that’s nonbinary. A robot character. It -the robot- didn’t adhere to traditional gender roles, and is therefore ‘woke’ commie shit.
These people are allowed to vote…
“Nazi party allegedly owes Jews and apology.”
Trump and Putin breaking up with each other would be best case scenario for Ukraine.
Trump isn’t going to send them any aid to actually support them, but I could see him doing it to spite another dictator that he’s currently offended by.
Unity is powerful.
For real tho, please send help!
They’re too busy sucking the tyrant’s micropenis to notice anything is wrong.
Not quite yet - the US is currently in the Night of Long Knives phase of allowing Nazis to come into power, so perhaps soon.
Why, did the first one not count?
Even Jewish people defend Nazis right to free speech
How did that work out for them?
In their defense, that’s the only thing lasers know how to do.
Leave and give the Nazis what they want, or stay and work for the Nazis.
Kind of a between-a-rock-and-hard-place situation.
I think it’s way overdue to charge that bastard with loitering.
What a great spot for a meteor strike.
Climate collapse is largest factor in my / wife’s decision not to have kids. We’ve always had the understanding that by the time we’re old and crusty, shit will be bad enough to be uncomfortable, but that’s kinda it; it’s the generations after us that are really fucked. This shit is accelerating faster than expected. Kinda thinking we were wrong about shit becoming ‘only uncomfortable’ in our lifetime.
Definitely happy about our decision not to have kids… every time a friend or family member cranks one out, I can’t help but feel sorry for the little bastard. Shy of several miracle-tier scientific breakthroughs like RIGHT NOW, those babies are in for some serious strife.