Could’ve killed those two Russians too
Could’ve killed those two Russians too
Screw U orange shit4brains. You get what you give loser
If you don’t want to be a doomer, do something about the doom in the world
Thieves in the bank offices
What drugs is that jackass on? Gotta be some wild shit with all the insane crap he spouts anymore
Yeah I’m a little slow in the hands compared to the head sometimes. Miss complete words as you saw. Ftfy );
Well at LEAST we now know what trumps monkey on his back is
They should kick him out when he shows up for that threat
Repuglican patsy sure talks big
Yeah the concrete jungle can really put your mind in neutral gear the longer you move through it. Used to ride my bike all around downtown ft worth tx back in the early 70s. Then got transplanted out to the wide open ranch lands and found some quieter places to ride
Dementia is a persnickety business
The less of a joke it is, the more of a joke he is
Gotta be yourself somewhere else
Dumbest executive in history, no surprise at all
Does nobody understand the term “cash grab”? He’d play hell raising taxes on us to get what the tarrifs will get him
Bury him. The entire world will thank you.
Yeah i suppose having to watch yourself being slowcooked would be kinda boring
He’d best be happy its just online so far. IRL reckoning isn’t so easy to ignore