I think we need to drop the premise that the Founders were geniuses who’s dusty ass opinions count for jack shit.
The secret is that they were just regular politicians from a long time ago.
I don’t read my replies
I think we need to drop the premise that the Founders were geniuses who’s dusty ass opinions count for jack shit.
The secret is that they were just regular politicians from a long time ago.
After a brief search, this appears to be true. With the caveat the ultimate source seems to be Zelensky himself. The articles I surveyed all referenced interviews and speeches of Zelensky.
What the Nazis want you to think they are
What they actually are
I feel sorry for this woman, but this is the second article I’ve seen about this blonde and you can imagine that there are hundreds of thousands of brown-eyed women going though that and worse who aren’t “worthy victims”.
Do you realize that when you criticize Hillary and Kamala for running a “bad” campaign, you’re implying that Trump ran a good one?
Ya think maybe, just maybe the thing Kamala and Hillary have in common that America rejected is the obvious answer?
Did you guys know that this fiasco unfolded under a bust of Winston Churchill?
It’s ironic that you’d accuse Kamla of being responsible for Trump in a thread ridiculing Trump for accusing Zelenski of being responsible for Putin.
Just a reminder, Hillary called Trump Putin’s puppet to his face, live on National TV.
The core assumption of this argument is that individuals owe their lives to the State. That people are only justified in existing as long as they contribute to the group.
It’s a totalitarian vision that would embarrass Stalin. But modern conservatives take it as gospel.
I’m not pointing this out to say reactionaries are hypocrites. I don’t think they’re lying when they say they love freedom. For them freedom means freedom for the powerful to make society better. For the less than deserving, the best way to contribute to society is to serve the deserving.
Chomsky is frustrating. Some of his ideas are so good that not only did they break into popular culture, the right adopted them (fake news). But he also had some galaxy level bad takes.
My frustration with him began when I watched a Youtube video called “Chomsky eviscerates post-modernism” or something like that. I expected him to defend structuralism or Marxism, but instead it was just a bunch of fallacy laden personal attacks and nonsense of the kind you would expect of Ben Shapiro.
The aircraft carrier is about power projection. Kinda weird for a “defensive” force to want some.
If Putin and Andrew Tate teamed up they’d have a whole chin.
I was confused by Trump’s plan, because you’d think Israel would oppose it. But what if Trump is trying to extract Gaza as quid pro quo for American aid?
I agree with your point and admit that I didn’t express the idea perfectly. But I will point out that it took you a paragraph to correct what I expressed in three words.
Western countries demanding that Arab States take in refugees is how this whole thing got started.
Why do people on the left believe that reactionaries would agree with them if they just had access to the correct information?
I think this mistake rests in the left assumptions that “The People” are noble and good; that education leads to good politics; and noble people with good education will make a wise democracy. It’s good ethics, too bad none of those ideas can survive an encounter with reality.
For people who think Chamberlain was weak or that he “allowed” Hitler to take Czechoslovakia, I would really love to hear wtf you think Winston Churchill would have done in his place.
I’ll remind you that when Hitler invaded Poland, Churchill was PM but wasn’t quite able to stop tanks in Eastern Europe just by stomping his feet and jiggling his jowls.
The Chamberlain “lesson” is a reactionary meme about how diplomacy is worthless and it’s as wrong as two left shoes.
There are at least three steps in that chain that count as miracles. So if your making this argument you might as well be a believer because your 99% of the way there.
-a country famous for innovation and technology making a decision they surely will not regret.