why did anyone ask a toad what he thinks about anything, and why did anyone report it?
why did anyone ask a toad what he thinks about anything, and why did anyone report it?
if he’s still around, it’s not as stressful as it needs to be.
totally not a russian dog
why would Europeans have a problem with a guy doing a nazi salute? we may never know
also prevent people from getting that rich in the first place. new tax brackets: 50% for every dollar over a million. 75% for every dollar over 10 mil. 90% over 50mil. and 100% over 100mil. congrats that’s the high score. maxed out.
also make ALL INCOME to count as income, not just direct payment.
the colonial project far supercedes religion here
how can this fuckcunt show her face after her ridiculous premiership that didn’t even last 5 scaramuccis
also how can she say anything without reporters directly telling her to shut the fuck up … why is anything she says reported at all ?
wow, rallying against a fascist regime threatening to invade, what a… checks notes … “jihadist terrorist” thing to do.
fuck you.
he got up to stage and said he bought the fascist candidate. lots of people saw that and said “that’s OK, I’ll still vote red” and even more people saw that and said “that’s OK, I’ll still not vote”. around 160 million people saw this and were OK with it. yeah he wasn’t elected, but the “dictator on day one” was.
to be fair grimes is retarded
wow sending letters you say. I hope it wasn’t sternly worded.
I don’t like her but that’s offensive. just because we don’t like her doesn’t mean it’s ok to refer to her as such. Marjorie is a titan. Elon is the troglodyte.
oh my god this is why we lose all the goddamn time. why do pro choice people have to make the fucking worst arguments? this comparison is dumb for multiple reasons. viability is arbitrary and irrelevant, and most importantly could be subject to change. some people talk about the fetus technically being a parasite; that makes you sound psychotic.
there’s one argument here: freedom over your own body. you shouldn’t be legally forced to undergo an operation for someone else’s benefit. yes even if the fetus is a person, it’s viable, can feel pain, whatever. there’s literally no other situation where that is even remotely legal. you can’t be forced to donate an organ or blood to your own child. the only reason one is forced and one isn’t is because of the general idea that men will be in one of those situations.
there’s no reason to accept their framing on any of this and try to beat them in some sort of logical trap. they’ll move the goalpost. they’re not serious about any of this. this is and has always been about controlling the woman, and the counter therefore should be about the woman.
everything about the fetus is just bullshit. if they cared about the fetus they’d argue for its wellbeing literally at any point after the first moment of its birth but they don’t. THEY DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANY BABY. why would they care about a goddamn chick? no it’s always only about women. the baby stuff is a smokescreen to get you to argue mind numbingly stupid shit like this.
oh my god if I were arguing with an anti choice moron and someone “on my side” would butt in with “but we kill chicks though” I would smack them across the face. stop being weird.
we enshrined his torture and put it literally everywhere. you think that might have anything to do with it?
brings new meaning to gross domestic product