I’ve been on a quest to get through the New Testament, if only to quote exactly how bullshit these people are. Jesus doesn’t recommend any of the shit that party does. It’s just a front, projection as always. But if a red hat shows up at my door, I’ll be able to ask them, “How do you think Jesus would react to all this, given what he says in Matthew 25:35? Do you think a belief alone saves you, given what he says in 1 John 3:18? What about James 2:14?”
I’m sick of these fake people telling me to read the Bible. If I need to shove scripture back at them, then fuck it. We ball & Bible study until these people repent or own up for their heartless bullshit.
John 13:34 34 I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.’
While I don’t think the language does any favors (they’d point it out to write off the critique), it’s a good point, given what scripture says repeatedly about this sort of thing.
It’s also just weird, as Waltz would say. I know it’s a vanity, appearance thing, but it’s still bewildering how poor people flock to someone so maligned with their interests. They can see an image like this, and the propaganda is still stronger.