Gun and ammo tax holiday coming up in Florida
Gun and ammo tax holiday coming up in Florida
Ok but they barely won. Like calm your titties that goalkeeper saved like 10 goals in insane ways
They get American guns because they are close by on a land border and we get their drugs because they are close by on a land border. If they stop buying American guns I have a feeling they will not be short on guns and we will not be short for drugs. No one wants to address the real problems in this relationship.
If it happened to us it will happen to you. Guaranteed. Maybe now everyone will get off their high horse and help us figure this shit out so we will be alive to help you figure it out.
Well I’ve been a home. 2 families lived inside me
Lol you clearly haven’t met homeless
Don’t know what the fuck they want with the canal when no one is going to be trading with us
Nothing gives me hope these are the darkest times ever
Mine just auto renews anyway
Does a country need extra unity at war time. And if they did do they get from external sources???
American citizens are with you even if our traitorous politicians aren’t