Only gonna be a bad time for the peasants! The nobles will make a killing.
Only gonna be a bad time for the peasants! The nobles will make a killing.
The trick was seeing what was going on before trying to “teach the dems a lesson”. Now all you can do is ride the train and wait for endless lawsuits to playout with disingenuous participants
Nixon was already impeached by now
Trump: Someone get me a sharpie
Also just general stress, confusion, bypassing queues, being worried for your job if commando in chief doesn’t like your chart, some dude thinking he’s pleasing the boss by skipping a step, because after all thats what he would want.
All this is here/coming. I have no information on the circumstances of the crash but these kinds of mistakes are going to multiply - from accidental memos to paychecks not coming in on time.
They say that’s the main difference between the US and yogurt. If you leave yogurt alone for a few hundred years it will develop its own culture
We’ve been cancelling/postponing plans to visit the US since 2016. May never see it again at this pace. I’m sure america doesn’t need tourists anyway