People are very stupid, you see. It really is incredible how much the news is like “hmmm, jury’s out, could really go either way” on shit where there’s essentially everything but Israel saying the word “genocide” but even then…
People are very stupid, you see. It really is incredible how much the news is like “hmmm, jury’s out, could really go either way” on shit where there’s essentially everything but Israel saying the word “genocide” but even then…
Literally city people really just want to see some trees on the sidewalk, some flowerbeds, and have a few little parks here and there with only a couple big community parks to be able to have picnic or whatever.
Look up Verdun, Quebec(Montréal). There is absolutely massive park running along the Saint Laurence River for many kilometers and it’s fuckin’ awesome without getting in the way of the lovely, mid-density, walkable neighbourhood right beside it. It’s fuckin’ sick. That and Parc Angrignon, too!
Anyway the point is that you could not be more wrong.
It’s the same reason we don’t love the idea of other nations being right-wing except not backed by any kind of evidence or precedence. They’re all braindead and think that a country offering universal healthcare and taking themselves off of oil reliance is gunna turn around and be a danger to them.
“Vance leaves the US and thinks the rest of the world thinks of highly of him as his brain-dead countrymen do.”
He’s such a fucking buffoon.
Oh actually tent cities are a fire hazard and not allowed on public land and wow suddenly I want rules and restrictions. /s
Republicans love government control, just it’s all insane-o reverse-o nonsense based on who they hate.
Well, it’s a good thing I live where public transportation and even just straight up walking is not only viable but actually preferable!
Shame the rest of the country was too busy crying about “freedom” and is about to get rat-fucked as their only viable mode of transportation(as it stands because they have not invested in good cities and towns) more than doubles in price! And oooooh how it will be nice to see the stupid overly large, and overly expensive, crossovers, SUVs, and trucks be the ones to get hit the hardest.
I wonder which country will be fucked harder.
An occupation except it’s musical chairs so there aren’t enough seats for everyone.
Americans: “The French are cowards!”
The French:
Seriously, the French are constantly standing together against shitty policy and bad conditions and the US is constantly rolling over for people who only have the power they give them. Go France, you tell ‘em.