It’s worth keeping in mind that the people who made this decision at Columbia are, themselves, wealthy. They are behaving as wealthy people do–they only respond to power, they only care about power, and they will do ANYTHING to maintain power.
It’s never about non-monetary things with wealthy people. They don’t care about other people, even each other, or about high-falutin’ things like academic freedom or free inquiry or free speech because unless those things bring them more power, more money.
They will sacrifice everything, anything, and anyone to maintain their status and they will ALWAYS bend the knee to anyone with more power, more capital, than they have. They have no investment otherwise. You can’t keep your power if you have any focus other than your own power.
Nothing run by wealthy people is ever safe for the rest of us.
Another day, another reason to point out that ***Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers *** is now up to the 54th installment with 1,350 entries of people either in, voting for, or directly affiliated with the Republican party. Evidence for their Republicanness is presented with each entry. The list is comprised primarily of police, government officials, teachers, religious officials, and politicians.
This guy, and many others of this ugly breed, will likely make the next list.
It’s useful to remember that his actions are not an anomaly—this is who they are.