The guy who shat all over Gold Star families, called vets “losers”, and skipped out on service by claiming bone spurs from day 1 is doing this?
The guy who shat all over Gold Star families, called vets “losers”, and skipped out on service by claiming bone spurs from day 1 is doing this?
Entity | Total emissions (MtCO2e) | CO2 emissions (MtCO2) | Percentage of global CO2 emissions |
Former Soviet Union (1900–1991) | 135,113 | 118,604 | 6.54% |
China (Coal, 1945–2004) | 104,888 | 94,242 | 5.20% |
Saudi Aramco | 70,670 | 64,432 | 3.56% |
Chevron | 58,598 | 51,705 | 2.85% |
ExxonMobil | 55,667 | 48,214 | 2.66% |
Gazprom | 51,823 | 38,840 | 2.14% |
National Iranian Oil Company | 44,439 | 39,086 | 2.16% |
BP | 42,877 | 37,843 | 2.09% |
Shell | 41,092 | 35,534 | 1.96% |
Coal India | 30,939 | 27,799 | 1.53% |
Pemex | 25,861 | 22,989 | 1.27% |
China (Cement) | 24,211 | 24,211 | 1.34% |
Poland (Coal, 1913–2001) | 22,695 | 20,392 | 1.13% |
CHN Energy | 21,796 | 19,584 | 1.08% |
ConocoPhillips | 20,495 | 17,394 | 0.96% |
British Coal Corporation (1947–1994) | 19,745 | 17,741 | 0.98% |
CNPC | 19,684 | 17,215 | 0.95% |
Abu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC) | 18,089 | 16,052 | 0.89% |
Peabody Energy | 18,019 | 16,190 | 0.89% |
TotalEnergies | 17,943 | 15,690 | 0.87% |
I dunno. Just found it on the innerwebz.
“I said no FUCKING spy(hic) spying on ruzzia!” Hegseth said, before burping loudly.
So say we all.
And Vance did it from the couch
Rich deposits of unobtanium have been discovered there by the uh National Office of Discovery
I feel sick that was so goddamned embarrassing. And all of the demented rapist’s toadies climbing over each other to stick their tongues in it.
Jesus fucked up Christ
It’d be great if we could answer the demented rapist’s latest unholy traitorous fuckup with some real talk. Give what you can as a show of support.
Get yo ass to Principal O shag hannasees office right now!
This is just leaking into my bubble and I don’t know how much of it I can take but as for this part - I’m here for it.
Aiiigghh! Dammit, I looked.
Ah haa - you think this is going to get me to look at the news. But I won’t.
Nope nope nope.
How uh . . . how real is . . this.
Obviously you’re transphobic genocide lovers who demand corporate ownership of the meats of production.
(/s obvs)
trump is a gutless traitor, a demented rapist, and more incompetent than a bag of shit.
Will no one rid me of this demented rapist traitor?