You’re the only one here who’s saying that all people from that country do that.
Really, where? Be honest, we don’t see that kind of news every day. Because it’s not real. You just made that up.
Check the picture i shared somewhere here. You blind bastard.
The bastard even smiled after stabbing a girl. You know what nationality he is? People like you are the one enabling the crimes perpetuated by those people.
That’s the woke virus talking through you. How blind can people be?
Every time someone pointed out the truth, they got downvoted.
Nah. This version is more precise and concise.
Every time someone pointed out problems caused by migrants, legal and illegal, they got downvoted. Now I’m sure that the left and those infected by the woke virus really hate their country. No one in their right mind would ignore damages done to their own country.
Nah. He will be blamed for everything that’s happening in the world. White guilt is real.
“Aww. They’re just misunderstood invaders. We don’t actually know their culture.”
Yes you are indeed uninformed. There are no concentration camps in palestine. Not in 1948, and not even now.
You should add a palestinian tank along with the other tanks, and replace that palestine flag at the front with hamas’. Palestinian should stand along with other western countries in fighting hamas.
Netanyahu is one person. If you think that a whole organization from top to bottom left and right are being complicit in jailing innocent civilians. You don’t truly understand the complexity of human nature.
Which land does israel occupies actually? I mean prior to this war. Gaza? Or the West Bank? Each have their own local authority and they conduct their own election (supposedly, but none was held for such a long time because of their own despute), they have their own constitution, a president and a prime minister. So can you tell me which part are being occupied?
How much do you see israel as a demon, that you cannot think of them as people who are trying to survive? I don’t know where you live, but what would you do if some of your neighbour keep trying to kill one of your family? Knowing that they once brought the whole neighbourhood to attack your home. Should you just let them do as they please?
As rule of war, israel should claim all the land of palestine, from the river to the sea, because they won the war. But they actually gave back gaza and the west bank to the palestinian, and let them have their own government. What more do you expect them to do?
So you’re saying that israel doesn’t have any right to protect their own people? I think you forgot to read the fact that these “childrens” must’ve done something to be put into prison or detention, either because they did some crime against israeli or by illegally staying in israel. Do you think they’re too stupid to purposely want to be hated by the whole world by jailing innocent childrens??
So are terrorists supposed to be only of adult male?
Inaction is also an action that may determine whose fault it is.