Yea, it’s a shame that the American people elected this clown to represent them. I’m really heartbroken they/we didn’t choose better.
Yea, it’s a shame that the American people elected this clown to represent them. I’m really heartbroken they/we didn’t choose better.
Yea, that infuriated me.
Experiencing your native country at war changes your perspective on A LOT of things. It makes it easier to understand the wars of the past, and also, puts them in perspective…amongst many many other things. I will consider watching that documentary if there is no actual gore in it, because that’s not something I am willing to watch. My relatives are physically ok right now, but they’re angry and emotionally drained. It is scary seeing them talk about a recent nearby explosion and making sure everyone is ok.
But yea, it doesn’t matter who was “right” or “wrong” prior to war. As soon as you invade, everything prior to that gets overwritten and you’re 100% the bad guy, no matter how you justify it.
I’m Ukrainian who has lived in the US for almost 30 years. Only now, after Ukraine has bee invaded, did I realize what having that yellow ribbon in “support of our troops” meant. It doesn’t matter what kind of “altruistic” reasons you assign to it. Any time a country invades another, they are the bad guy because ANY war means the deaths of innocent people and should be avoided at all costs, no matter the reason.
It would be so cool to get one to develop that’s even close to the size as the one on reddit. Ever since I got off Reddit, I’ve missed those subs a lot. But I REFUSE to go back.
bUt wE hAvE oUr oWn PrObLeMs. tHiS dOeSn’T cOnCeRn Us.
Fucking shameful and depressing. Makes me realize that slogans like “never again” are not at all realistic because they’ll always be idiots who think shit doesn’t concern them, until it does.