7 days agoI recently vacationed in Germany and the immigration polizei agent asked me, in English, “what’s the purpose of your visit here?” and I said something like “Urlaub machen und Bier trinken, naturlich!” He applied the stamp and waved me through without incident.
So… Thanks for being cool, Germans!
Do I get any kind of points for thinking Tesla sucked before all the political windshift relating to Musk?
I’ve said from jumpstreet that, at best, Tesla is like the Apple of the car world:
Model releases considered “cool” for the first year or so, because it’s a way to flex on the plebs.
Pretty soon everybody and their mom has one and the design isn’t very remarkable in and of itself. Therefore the iPhone becomes the basic bitch phone, and the Tesla becomes the basic bitch vehicle.
Overpriced relative to similar performing products.
Horribly invasive sensors, bad data privacy, and generalized ecosystem.