Don’t trust the Mango Mussolini. He is a convicted rapist and charlatan.
Your average friendly nihilist from Finland.
Don’t trust the Mango Mussolini. He is a convicted rapist and charlatan.
Mr Mafia Tactics Donny
Returning to Soviet glory alright.
“So, in order to advance our political agenda we need echo chamber rednecks with affinity to nazi ideology.”
“Are we the bad guys?”
Those asshats are too stupid to gaslight.
Substance misuse rots your brain and you become like a child. Emphasis on the word “like”. No child will have similar lifetime of hate and malice coupled with insecurity and narcissism.
If I understand correctly Canada has a kind of similar worldview as Nordic countries. Traiding that to a right wing capitalist shit hole like US would be a no go.
Trump heard there was this guy called Flintheart Glomgold, who’s really rich and excellent potential member in his inner political circle.
Trump wants to strip mine Ukraine in order to give China the finger.
Currently China has it’s arm in US ass up to their elbows and can hurt them really bad if president Cheetos pisses them off bad enough.
Give this man an Emmy
Europe is going to have war on two fronts, east and west. US is going to have a war on two fronts, east and civil.
I feel for you. People just voted in power kind of asshats their grandparents fought a war against.
This is new thing in UK?