Setup is also huge pain and it has compatibility issues with clients that use the subsonic API. Every step of the way something I needed from it had issues. I gave up running one funkwhale instance for multiple users and instead spun up 4 Navidrome instances. Not only was it easier and more stable it also uses less resources than one funkwhale setup.
As much as I love the idea of funkwhale it’s just so far away from usable.
If only funkwhale wasn’t such a royal pain in the ass.
Firefox and ublock are your friend.
This site doesn’t rate articles. It rates news sources. So you just have to look up what they rated the post as.
These ratings appear to b based on US sensibilities and not the rest of the world. So everything skews more to the left than it really is.
So your options as a mod are to endlessly debate with people arguing in bad faith, or just ignore them and let the community block them.
I couldn’t even get an account on the instance I most wanted because they seem to only give accounts to creators. So now I cannot follow anyone on that instance, or like their videos, or comment. So I have to figure out what other instance I can get an account on and follow from there, hoping they federated with each other.
Which is silly because most instances will auto mirror your YouTube channel. Literally takes no effort to post to both.
This was posted to explain that you require no defense.