Fight Canada, help Russia. How in the hell are Republicans just watching this happen? Cowards and frauds, all of them.
Fight Canada, help Russia. How in the hell are Republicans just watching this happen? Cowards and frauds, all of them.
Frankly both.
Good lord. If you’ve ever been to Israel you know what a bunker mentality they have to live with at all times. Can you even imagine going to live in the Gaza Strip after Trump “develops” it and puts condos there?
Dear Goober-Veep,
The threat from within is the Nazis, not the people who refuse to listen to the Nazis. They’ve been handling Nazis longer than you’ve been alive. Shut your fucking pizza pie hole.
He’s nothing more than a performer now. Ask yourself every time: who is he performing for right now that he believes will increase his political power? I’m not sure why he wants power. He wouldn’t know what to do with it.
“The mice in fact are tyrannical oppressors for not opening the door to listen to what the fox has to say!” - JD Vance
Nope, mister G.O.Pudge, we do not have to include Nazis.
We will see what happens when Trump pulls US support out of Ukraine.
I sincerely hope you are right and Europe marshalls an effective defense. If you do, you’ll do so at great cost in blood and treasure. If you don’t you’ll watch Russia nibble away at Europe for the next several decades. Neither of those is anything to “lol” about.
Trump is all about shifting defense responsibility onto Europe but isn’t it the case that the US proactively claimed responsibility for defense of virtually every sphere where it has interests? We have the largest military in the world by FAR and bases everywhere, and have allowed others to spend less on defense because we want to be the ones with the big stick. It’s a little ironic for Trump to complain that everyone has allowed us to pursue this policy we have been driving for decades.
Whilst these incidents are rare, we have a zero-tolerance policy to bullying, harassment, or any form of abusive behaviour towards our cast, crew, or staff. Anyone engaging in such conduct will be removed from the venue immediately.
Uh, so why did the cast have to walk out and end the show? Drag the bigot out to the street: problem solved. The show must go on.
Yeah or some random guy whose experience with war is a 6 month tour as a “military journalist.”