They’re terrible at their jobs and deserve blame.
I mean, they’re fantastic at setting up opportunities for record fundraising. Actually achieving our political goals, not so much.
I’m a little teapot 🫖
They’re terrible at their jobs and deserve blame.
I mean, they’re fantastic at setting up opportunities for record fundraising. Actually achieving our political goals, not so much.
The supreme court handing the Florida election to W was the tipping point. We still could have pulled ourselves out of the shit at that point. It would have been ugly and Republicans would have fought it every step of the way but that was the opportunity before the far right media networks had consolidated their holds on radio and TV.
This is what I’ve been telling the accelerationists for a decade. You don’t know what’s going to step in and fill the political vacuum (I mean, we do now and it’s angry white men playing at being gangsters) but I guaran-fucking-tee you it’s not going to be the social democracy or socialist utopia that leftists want. It’s going to be a bunch of thugs looting and burning govt for personal gain.
You don’t surrender to the people giving you your marching orders, you just hop when they tell you to hop
The proletariat: exhausted cricket noises