Just a not even remotely friendly reminder that if you are American, eligible to vote and didn’t vote for Kamala then you actively voted for this. Actively voted for genocide. If you didn’t vote you’re even fucking worse because at least the Republicans were willing to openly say what horrible people they are. You just don’t care.
The United States is a failed country, a terrorist state and should be wrenched away from its people. You do not deserve to have a country that large with that much power when you are incapable of agreeing on a singular fucking thing. The United States should be forcibly broken up into at least 2, if not more, countries that can make up a trade bloc. This bullshit of getting everyone killed from coast to coast because of your pathetic patriotic ego of “wahhhhhhh but my countryyyyyyyyyy”
Fuck the United States.
The US shouldn’t be considered a single country. The EU has way more in common between it’s members and acts more like one country than the US.
Breaking it up in 50 different states is probably gonna cause a war I see that.
Slowly the US (which has been a terrible country for a lot of people) is dying and pulling others down. The US has pushed it’s bullshit into way to many countries it is not even funny.
I mostly agree.
Also, I live in the US.
The contradiction between blaming voting blocs and then blaming rampant patriotism is not even remotely unironic.
The patriotism is what put them in this mess but the voting blocs are what is killing them. The United States had no business being the country that it is. It overextended its reach to an absurd extent. It tried to captiulate to too many people who all wanted to share in the nationlistic nonsense that America pumps out daily. Now the country is fragmented to hell. Too many people feel like that the country doesn’t represent them in anyway while also insisting that the United States should be another way. So they rally around two voting blocs that diverge and don’t represent really anyone because they’re either like the Democrats and spreading themselves too thin while making no one happy or the Republicans who actively ignore what their voters want the second they have power.
The country is schizophrenic.
I understand the emotional appeal to blaming individuals for their action/inaction, but the fault lies with the system of governance. You can try to herd cats until the cows come home, but it only leaves you frustrated and drained. We can only educate ourselves, and try to educate others.
I understand the emotional appeal to blaming individuals for their action/inaction, but the fault lies with the system of governance.
And how do you fix that?
My blame is accurately placed.
I’ve been voting for 40 years, and look where we are. I understand the desire for change, but have to remind myself not to fall victim to electoral fetishism. Real, lasting change, can only come from social movements by the people.
Yes. This is true. Do you know how you effect those social movements in the government?
By voting.
You cannot argue that you are trying to participate in a social change of government by not engaging in that system of government. It is what is there. If you want to change it, you either need a full on revolution or active social change effected through voting in of various representatives that actually represent you and are willing to change those laws. True, you cannot fall to electoral fetishism, but that doesn’t mean to just ignore it entirely.
So. Once again, I am blaming the voters which is an accurate blame to place. Why? Because they are uneducated, hostile, or hateful. They do not engage in the voting system, they engage in spectacle. Whether that be by posting random comments like this Index person who is blatantly a Russian or by throwing a hissy fit but not doing anything.
The reason this cycle keeps continuing is because voters do not educate themselves and vote for their best interests. It is just as simple as that. Straight up. It isn’t complex. There isn’t some massive conspiracy. People just do not bother.
I believe you mentioned that propaganda influences people. The same system that educates us, propagandizes us. Why blame those who are miseducated and manipulated? That’s barking up the wrong tree. I get it, I’ve been where you are. It’s frustrating. And it’s difficult to stay focused on the root cause (because of propaganda). Fighting with friends and family, even though you may be right, is fruitless. It’s much better, and more productive, to listen, try to understand where they are misinformed, and try to find common ground. I have influenced many in my life through connecting on an emotional level, and then steering them to constructive conversations of understanding. They want us at each other’s throats.
Their strategy is to overwhelm the news cycle with distractions. Stay focused.
Exactly what that they are doing is not a distraction? Because every single time they say or do anything, someone on Lemmy says it’s a distraction.
Now even announcing they will invade Gaza is a distraction?
Literally what is not a distraction?
Direct actions taken to degrade civil rights and human rights within the US in pursuit of their Project 2025 plans
So… like taking over Gaza?
Yeah the shooting in Sweden is getting buried by news like this. Not that the situation in Gaza isn’t terrible or that the US isn’t a terrible country to be in, but stil
Panama, Greenland, Canada, Gaza, what else? The world?
They want us looking elsewhere while they steal the keys to the kingdom.
Everywhere will be a state!
Well except Puerto Rico, for some odd reason the one place that could reasonably become a state isn’t on the list.
Peacemaker à l’orange.
Mars should be on that list
The US is his focus, everything else is a means to an end. Either to distract people with his antics, rile up his base to hate “the others”, or get his detractors reacting instead of acting.
He has always been a two-bit conman, the problem is he’s got the backing to get everyone hunting the queen, while his friends are busy picking our pockets.
“It seems that there might finally be a temporary peace in gaza… wait, it’s, it’s, BY GOD IT’S THE US COMING FROM BEHIND WITH A STEEL CHAIR”
Punk rock predicted this.
Propagandhi - Haille Sellasse Up Your Ass
“The West Bank, The Gaza Strip, soon will be parking lots for American tourists, and fascist cops”
Its not shocking because he told us this plan last month.
Trump is a real estate guy. That’s why he wants Canada and Greenland: lots of undeveloped real estate. Never mind that the reason for this is given by being non-developable.
And now Gaza: he actually thinks that he just has to move a few million people somewhere, and turn it into his personal luxury resort.
Do you want another 9/11? That’s how you get another 9/11.
I knew it will end up like this when protest non-voters said they won’t vote for “Holocaust Harris”…
To people who weren’t paying attention probably
WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said the U.S. would take over the war-ravaged Gaza Strip and develop it economically
The scope of this statement is a shock, but the motivation that led to it, isn’t. That said, I hate everything about this.
I’m not the first to bring this up, but it bears repeating. This is colonialism, plain and simple. That, in turn, is an outcome of unchecked capitalism. Practiced ideologically (i.e. as the guiding light in one’s life), it holds up “exploitation at all costs” as a virtue. Second to that is “give your competition no quarter.” Combined, that explains the current state of affairs.
We all may be used to thinking of colonialism as some thing that ended on one more more independence days in the last 300 years or so. In reality, the engines of commerce and industry that made that happen kept right on running. Since nation-state-sized real-estate deals like this don’t come along very often anymore, these animals are quick to react and pounce before someone else figures out how to exploit the situation.
As an aside: the attitudes and values that enabled things like the US westward expansion, slavery, classism, eradication of indigenous peoples, environmental destruction in the pursuit of minerals, pollution and litter from energy extraction, etc., are still alive and well in the population. Being this kind of evil is insanely profitable under the right conditions, which confers an outsized advantage to reproduction and social influence. Which is to say that it’s not the ideology of capitalism that propels these values to stay with us, but rather the other way around. It’s as though those colonists with exploitation in their hearts are still very much with us, and that’s something to keep an eye on.
Based on what I have been seeing on Lemmy so far this morning, I fully expect to see someone say they care more about Palestinian genocide than Palestinians by the end of the day.
I love threads like this. I can now block all the people who are here to lie and manipulate us. They are not here to have honest conversations.
As an American… that dumbass doesn’t speak for me. I sure as fuck didn’t vote for him. I’m unfortunately stuck with him. But I have no want to take over any land… anywhere. Trump should man up, take ownership, and say HE wants to take over Gaza strip, Panama, Canada,… Earth.
Not voting for him is one thing, but also being eligible to vote and not voting for Kamala makes one an accomplice too. Even voting for a third party doesn’t count, because that took away votes that could have gone towards the one contender.
I for one would love for him to go to Gaza.
That’s a weird way of spelling “the center of the sun” but ok
Shock? I’m surprised Trump didn’t start bombing it on day one.
To hear him speak of it, there’s nothing left to bomb.
What the hell…