The US is his focus, everything else is a means to an end. Either to distract people with his antics, rile up his base to hate “the others”, or get his detractors reacting instead of acting.
He has always been a two-bit conman, the problem is he’s got the backing to get everyone hunting the queen, while his friends are busy picking our pockets.
Panama, Greenland, Canada, Gaza, what else? The world?
They want us looking elsewhere while they steal the keys to the kingdom.
Everywhere will be a state!
Well except Puerto Rico, for some odd reason the one place that could reasonably become a state isn’t on the list.
Peacemaker à l’orange.
Mars should be on that list
The US is his focus, everything else is a means to an end. Either to distract people with his antics, rile up his base to hate “the others”, or get his detractors reacting instead of acting.
He has always been a two-bit conman, the problem is he’s got the backing to get everyone hunting the queen, while his friends are busy picking our pockets.