I don’t get that. It just was not hard for me at all. Even if you were absolutely convinced Trump would lose, you’ve had months of him and all of his people just outright admitting they don’t care about the law both before and after the election. It was a foregone conclusion to me the first Wednesday in November.
A lifetime of reading and watching dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction prepared me for this.
But I see where you’re coming from. There’s a really interesting film called It Happened Here (interesting both in the subject matter and how it was filmed). It’s about an alternate history where Britain has been taken over by a puppet Nazi government. Everyone just kind of moves on with their life and accepts it like nothing has changed. I guess it’s kind of like that.
I don’t get that. It just was not hard for me at all. Even if you were absolutely convinced Trump would lose, you’ve had months of him and all of his people just outright admitting they don’t care about the law both before and after the election. It was a foregone conclusion to me the first Wednesday in November.
Think of it as a mask. All your life you’ve had it on because you were taught to believe it. It’s how society functions, right?
Now you realize you could take it off, but it’s very hard to. What kind of world is it then? We will find out, of course.
There’s a Jules Pfeiffer (rip) play/movie called Little Murders that kind of deals with this. Be forewarned, it’s a very bleak and dark comedy.
A lifetime of reading and watching dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction prepared me for this.
But I see where you’re coming from. There’s a really interesting film called It Happened Here (interesting both in the subject matter and how it was filmed). It’s about an alternate history where Britain has been taken over by a puppet Nazi government. Everyone just kind of moves on with their life and accepts it like nothing has changed. I guess it’s kind of like that.