Is there such a thing as left-wing authoritarianism
Yes, just go-to .ml or any of the other 2 in the Tankie Triad to see for yourself
I got banned from .bz for suggesting that DEI and CRT have links to Neo-Marxism, and got called a bigot for it.
If someone doesn’t want to read my posts, they don’t have to, it’s their right not to 🤷♀️
But it is unconscionable and egregious to call someone a bigot because they don’t fit your narrow and extreme ideology. I am literally the exact opposite of a bigot, lol
So what if DEI has links to Marxists? Marxist sociology isn’t inherently incorrect.
CRT is a law school technique for determining the impact of laws ok populations. Im not sure why that would be Marxist.
Well, Stalin for example very famously stole from the middle class, or kulaks, made their houses into hostels for the very poor, and then put the middle class people to death via gulags.
Any system which judges people as others to be exploited and killed isn’t any better than right-wing authoritarianism.
Authoritarianism is fucked up, doesn’t matter if it’s left or right.
Edit, even if you look at China and Vietnam as current examples, they are both hardly exemplary towards LGBT or minority rights. Hardliner Marxists would also say they’re too capitalist.
Edit some connections between CRT and Marxism, both are tools for Neo-Marxists
Ok that doesn’t have anything to do with DEI though. DEI is the idea that hiring a more diverse group of executives and employees will yield more profits. The USSR wouldn’t institute DEI.
While I wholeheartedly agree with unbiased, fair and equal employment access and treatments, DEI has a more global agenda via Neo-Marxist ideology
There’s nothing wrong with countries helping out other countries! I honestly want more of that. I just sincerely dislike the Neo-Marxist mindset that it’s okay to dismantle someone else’s home country to help out their own.
Edit also, if you consider the U.S. history with regional destabilization of LatAm countries, there are a lot of ghosts here which are coming back to haunt the US. No one has clean hands, historically.
Neither of those sources are good. James Lindsay is a propagandist and has no credibility in social sciences at all. He could not be a valid source much like my niece who is 3 cannot be a good source because neither has any education or experience that would suggest they know what they are talking about.
Your assertion that Marxism has anything to do with DEI seems to be unsupported.
I got banned from .bz for suggesting that DEI and CRT have links to Neo-Marxism, and got called a bigot for it.
… beg pardon
Tbh it doesn’t matter, at the end of the day I will do what I can for everyone’s civil rights the way any one person can, democratically.
But it is unconscionable and egregious to call someone a bigot
Lol literally all of .ml, “Something even slightly critical of China/Russia/NK” Banned for Rule 1: bigotry
Tankie Triad? I can’t even imagine the brain rot you devour on a daily basis.
They are called such as that is where you will most likely run into the kind of fool who will claim Chinese people are freer than most nations on earth when that is a clownish claim IRL.
You have no idea what life in China is like. All of your information is strictly based on US propaganda
You have no idea what I do and do not know because you don’t know me. You are not psychic. You’re deluded if you think Chinese people are freer than most nations. In most nations I can propose changing governments without legal reprisal which is currently illegal in China.
Please explain how not having the ability to determine the political direction of your nation makes someone freer than anyone who can choose their government.
Could Jack Ma’s papers run an editorial demanding Xi step down?
No, because Jack Ma is a rich scumbag and shouldn’t have power over the government. The biggest difference between China and the US is that billionaire oligarchs don’t run their entire country. And I know you don’t know anything about how Chinese people live because you wouldn’t have the opinion you have if you did.
That’s not what I am asking you but it is interesting that you are incapable of answering these questions. Is that failure due to the fact that China isn’t free and any leftist supporting them is a class traitor? I think they are class traitors.
China’s oligarchs are selected by the party. It’s just as corrupt of a process overall.
Again you aren’t psychic. You have no idea what I know and the only thing I know about you is that you have difficulty understanding obvious facts such as the fact that you aren’t psychic.
I have something called deductive reasoning. I know it’s foreign to you because it’s a lot of big words and it sounds like telepathy, but I promise it’s a real thing.
China has plenty of freedoms, but what you’re advocating for is a lawless anarchist society which often devolves into rule by the capitalist class anyways. More importantly, I think it’s really stupid to completely ignore every leftist accomplishment that China has made and the fact that they’ve gotten closer than any country in history to becoming a real socialist society. But no, they’re class traitors for some reason because they arrest people that break laws. How evil it is to have law enforcement.
I know LGBT people are not allowed to speak up,
Meanwhile US has elected trans and gay people to congress. I sincerely hope the recent changes against LGBT folks are something the other party works to undo. All people deserve civil rights.
Like not licking the boot of any Authoritarian government? Hmm, yes brainrot lol classic tankie comeback
I just wish you weirdos would come up with something smarter than tankie. You right wingers are terrible at roasting leftists. Just be more creative. Tanks are awesome and tankie just sounds like someone that likes tanks. Tanks a lot.
Nah it’s someone who is a class traitor who believes authoritarians who murder in the name of leftism is doing good when IRL these nations aren’t leftist at all eg China which has stock markets.
One does not simply “do” communism. You have to transition into it. Also, I shouldn’t have to tell a leftist that capitalism isn’t “when you have markets.” Read a book. Specifically Capital.
Also, I shouldn’t have to tell a leftist that capitalism isn’t “when you have markets.”
A stock market is trade in the ownership of the means of production by private individuals, ffs
It is one of the innovations of capitalism. Jesus Christ.
Owning stock in a company does not give you control over the means of production. Sorry bud. Also, I don’t remember Marx ever claiming that every innovation of capitalism must be discarded to achieve socialism. Has no one actually read Capital?
In other news. Water is wet.
Seriously how are people still trying to make the argument that lefties can’t be authoritarian? Did everyone just sleep through history class?