• partial_accumen@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    My logic was that in 2008 when I bought a brand new seagate hard drive, and it was dead before I plugged it in, they refused to honor their warrenty.

    If it was a new drive bought from a retailer, why didn’t you return it to the retailer?

    • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
      23 days ago

      I hadn’t opened the package for about a month. Best buy had a 14 day return period, which is why I don’t blame them. They offered their terms, I was outside of their return period, even if the package was unopened.

      The seagate warrenty was 90 days. Which I was within.

        • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
          23 days ago

          They just said “for this particular issue, the hard drive is not working, and so there’s nothing we can do about that”.

          I agree the hard drive wasn’t working. So I asked them to point me to the claus in the warrenty that dismissed them if the hard drive wasn’t working within the warrenty period. They just kept transfering me around.

          It’s decades later, and I’m still of the belief that I was right. It’s also the reason I hold no grudge towards best buy.

          Seagate defined their warrenty as 90 days, barring user defects (so like if I had spilled a drink on it, or did something on my end that would break it). Since nothing about the defect had anything to do with me, I’d say I fall into their warrenty.

          If I had opened the box sooner, and gotten it back to best buy with the reciept, within 14 days, I’d expect them to have taken it back. I opened it a month or so in, so that part is on me. Best buy defined their terms before I purchased. I was outside those terms. Sucked for me, but you can’t fault best buy for that.

          I was just mad that seagate said “this is our warrenty, these are our terms”, and then didn’t honor it on a defective drive. At that point I DO fault the company that doesn’t honor their own word.

          • partial_accumen@lemmy.world
            23 days ago

            Okay, I agree with you that you’re not wrong to be upset at Seagate customer service. Its also perfectly within your rights to stop using Seagate. I just want to point out that if you continue to follow your policy of “one and done”, and the continued deteriorating customer service experience all companies are providing these days, you’ll soon be left with very few places to do business with.

            There are only 6 or 7 airlines that fly out of my local international airport. I’ve had disappointing customer service experiences of one degree or another from every single one of them. If I was following a “one and done” approach, I’d have no one to fly commercially with.

            Specifically with magnetic hard drive manufacturers, there are only 3 left in existence: Seagate, Western Digital, and Toshiba

            If you’ve sworn off Seagate, that means all of your future purchase have to be accommodated by the remaining two. I hope that is enough.

              • partial_accumen@lemmy.world
                22 days ago

                Thankfully the other two haven’t fallen as hard as Seagate has.

                If you want keep thinking that don’t look too hard at Western Digital’s scandals and catastrophic drive failures of the past. In my early working days I made good money swapping out hundreds of failing Western Digital hard drives.