It seems like if Honda has any interest left in in Nissan, they’ll just buy it out of bankruptcy when that occurs. The only other chance Nissan seems to have is if there is a non-automotive company that wants to become one.
It seems like if Honda has any interest left in in Nissan, they’ll just buy it out of bankruptcy when that occurs. The only other chance Nissan seems to have is if there is a non-automotive company that wants to become one.
I love a good meme, but this one is spreading false info and you’re making me defend the GOP, which I hate doing, but I like facts more than “team wins”. The most obvious sign this graph is fake is because its missing Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid spending.
The real one looks like this:
Here’s a full article debunking the meme:
Sorrowful upvote.
Many commenters also cited the controversial introduction of a divorce cooling-off period in 2021, making them wary of the “easy entry and strict exit” for marriage.
I had missed the introduction of this in 2021.
“The law requires couples who are mutually seeking a divorce to wait for 30 days before formalising it. If the couples don’t show up for two appointments between 30 and 60 days after applying, their application is automatically cancelled.”
“In February Chinese media reported fully booked appointment slots in Shenzhen, Shanghai and other cities, with some being sold by scalpers.”
That would certainly be a disincentive to get married if you could not get out of it if you needed to.
Thankfully the other two haven’t fallen as hard as Seagate has.
If you want keep thinking that don’t look too hard at Western Digital’s scandals and catastrophic drive failures of the past. In my early working days I made good money swapping out hundreds of failing Western Digital hard drives.
Okay, I agree with you that you’re not wrong to be upset at Seagate customer service. Its also perfectly within your rights to stop using Seagate. I just want to point out that if you continue to follow your policy of “one and done”, and the continued deteriorating customer service experience all companies are providing these days, you’ll soon be left with very few places to do business with.
There are only 6 or 7 airlines that fly out of my local international airport. I’ve had disappointing customer service experiences of one degree or another from every single one of them. If I was following a “one and done” approach, I’d have no one to fly commercially with.
Specifically with magnetic hard drive manufacturers, there are only 3 left in existence: Seagate, Western Digital, and Toshiba
If you’ve sworn off Seagate, that means all of your future purchase have to be accommodated by the remaining two. I hope that is enough.
What was Seagate’s excuse for not honoring the warranty when you filed a claim?
My logic was that in 2008 when I bought a brand new seagate hard drive, and it was dead before I plugged it in, they refused to honor their warrenty.
If it was a new drive bought from a retailer, why didn’t you return it to the retailer?
And as sad as it is, trump’s supporters wouldn’t turn on him for that. They’d come up with any excuse in the world and continue to throw their support behind him.
with Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov stating the Ukraine war will continue unless Kyiv abandons its NATO ambitions.
No it won’t. There’s public satellite photography of Russia military equipment reserves. It is a known roughly the quantity how many new pieces can be produced each month. If the west continues to support Ukraine economically and militarily and China stays mostly on the sidelines, Russia’s defeat is just a matter of time. They simply can’t sustain the war.
I’m glad to see this development. I remember the original posting of the article and how multiple elementary schools are next door to this plant and had record unsafe levels of contamination found inside the schools.
Honestly this is a good opportunity for Ukraine because trump is very easy to manipulate.
Ukraine should say “absolutely!.. but we can’t do any of that until all Russia is gone from Ukrainian soil including Crimea. We wouldn’t want your Rare Earth metals to be attacked by Russians. Also we’ll need to ship them out of our port cities many of which Russia currently occupies in the sea of Azov and Crimea. So give us everything we need to clear out the Russians and we’ll get started on shipping you ore! Also, you want to make sure Ukraine is sovereign at the end of this and that Russia has no control over us because you know Putin won’t honor our deal on Rare Earths for the USA”
Rare Earth minerals aren’t uncommon, they’re just very sparsely spread over large areas of dirt or water. The hard, dirty, and expensive work of producing Rare Earth metals is the refinement. I’m not seeing any requirement here the Ukraine refines it. This means that Ukraine could fulfill the commitment to trump by shipping raw ore. The only think Ukraine will have to do is shovel dirt right out of the ground and put it in ships on the way to the USA. Any level of concentration would qualify (and again, they’re not rare, just not densely concentrated).
Much of the military aid Ukraine has received is loans of military gear. Ukraine knows this and is planning on paying this back over many decades. If Ukraine could offer shiploads of dirt as payment, they could get out from under the war debt far earlier than they planned.
Ukraine should absolutely take this deal. It secures their borders, kicks Russia out, keeps the country sovereign, and reduces their war debt. Oh, it will probably also piss off Putin, which is a nice side win.
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Random American here agreeing with Random Canadian brother or sister. I stand on guard for thee!