Can’t wait to have NATO troops on the Russian border
We already have that in multiple places
We don’t have any on a powder keg of a border like Ukraine and Russia
Yeah we do, it’s called the Suwałki Gap. Any other country can become a target now that US doesn’t give a fuck.
Thanks never knew about the gap. Probably one of the most strategic places in europe
Used to be for sure, but lost its importance when Finland joined. Also if things go the way they are going now, Russia will lose Kaliningrad in a decade or two.
That and a correctly armed Ukrainian army & airforce.
Let 2025 be the year of change.
Troops along the Ukrainian/Belarus border.
Not involved in fighting but frees up Ukrainian units.
Sure. While kissing Trump’s ass at the same time.
Politicians more or less have to kiss the orange turds ass, which I find enjoyable in itself beside all other considerations.
Edit: hey I’m not saying he’s doing right, it was just a showethought.
I believed what you’re trying to say is thank you?
What can I say except !You’re welcome!..
How long before we start threatening England?
As a born-and-raised American who recently got UK citizenship, I would like to say: you filthy Yankee colonials try it and we’ll show you what we did to the bloody Bosh at the Battle of the Somme, what what!
It’s nice that you tried
Time to reign in that troublesome colony of yours!
The long game, get England back for 1812!
Anybody else think at first “why is Richard Gere in Ukraine?”
Ways for floundering statesmen to get a ratings bump: go to war. Why does this always give a boost to incumbents?
Scholz and Macron both ready too? Le grand armée marches again! Germany with an election this year, and they are less keen on troops for obvious reasons. Macron will support, seen his ratings?
But none will go in whilst it is still hot. Meaning Putin doesn’t care, he’s likely to get Crimea and Donbas out of this, and be ready to re-arm for Moldova. Too little too late for this war from the European leaders, and it took fucking Trump to get them to not even agree anything yet!