Great great! Carry on!
Great great! Carry on!
Gina will keep ginaning.
I love my Germans and all but wow! Just wow! Millions of Mexicans, Hispanic, Latinos and Chinese get detained and deported. But here comes one white person from Germany and wow! Now its s horror movie. Entire families torn apart, babies and small children lost forever, but nothing compares to the suffering of one German woman for 8 days! My God!
But I’m pretty sure she might agree with my point here before you start down voting. I mean wouldn’t you sort of agree that maybe something is just fucking wrong and all lives should matter the same no matter where you might have come from? I known this comment might rough up some feathers. But think to yourself… Is a German’s mother’s suffering more than a Mexican’s mom if the assholes at the border took her baby?
Time will tell. Is this it? Do we forget Jessica somewhere in Guantanamo just for Trump to make a point? Or do we all walk together realizing that Trump is a nazi and jailing people indefinitely is what nazis did? This shit has got to stop! I say get all the Jessicas out…Black, Brown, Asian or European, all of them need freedom.
What fire? Anybody see any fire?
Grand, just grand. Thousands of dead soldiers, women, and children and for what? For a dementia patient rapist asshole president puppet to just switch the US from a mildly so so hero country to a suspectable place that creates concentration camps and jails people in them permanently. OMG! And the Republicans are just thrilled to watch it all burn down. I don’t understand. None of this even makes any sense at all. Hello! Nazi=bad remember? You hang nazis, you don’t give them government offices!
I think someone told him Zelensky is the guy from ruzzia and attacked putin in Ukraine. Common misunderstanding when you’re 80 and rule the world but others in your team want to use you and you believe them because of your dementia.
Any links to the moment or moments? Or did they bury this already? I was busy when it happened and then several of my engineering and science friends came into my lab and they were all talking about it.
Will the rare earth they send us be in a bucket? Like a paint bucket? Or even more rare like in a small envelope? Will it also be strange? Rare and strange? Or rare and weird? So many chooses!
If you haven’t heard, a bunch of kids in Congo ate bats (WTF man!) And then died within 48hr of getting sick. Not a pandemic, doesn’t transmit thru the air, go back to sleep.
Wait! He’s working out a deal with Congo to prevent the 48h pandemic from reaching the US!.. Here we go! All flights to be canceled! C’mon baby!
This just in, Trump demand gold, diamonds and really hot virgins from Congo. In exchange the virus came from Gina bigly. And large black plastic bags, which is not racist by the way.
And gold and silver! As for those things! And really hot virgins! One to every man women in child please! What else? Oil! Lots of oil! Ukrainian or Palestinian freedom? Nah! That’s hard! Horses! Thanks Trump! You really rock at Ukrainian pace deals!
I accept that the dirty rock I was thinking about voting for would have made a bad deal too by asking for nothing. I admit it. But every once in the entire history of a people, there comes someone who is more idiotic than a dumb rock could ever wish it could have. That’s us right there. Best country in the world… Worst asshole president a country could ever have. We’re at 3 years and 10 months to go.
Yup exactly.
Zelensky is no dictator. He just happened to be the president at the time that putin invaded and now cannot simply quit and let it all fall apart. Who in their right mind would choose to be a good leader for Ukraine now when the US is turning nazi?
Looks like Elon really does want to bring them home quickly:
Orange pig could shoot someone and rape them lawfully on main street and no one would bat an eye. That’s the law for rich assholes.
…and daughter for a good night yes?
…OK but only the tip and only for a minute…Melania! Get over here!
…no Mr Trump, I mean daughter. The pretty one.
… Okay fine, I’ll pull some strings. Probably dome G-strings. Okay, and you get us germanium?
… Yes Mr. Trump you may keep Germany
…No Mr Putin, you miss understood. We wa…
… You’ll get Germany yes. I’m sorry I have to go now. I make love to your daughter and then return. I’ll return next month. Bye!
If we could have a law where only Republicans are allowed to fly, that would be nice. I’ll take whatever else is left running after dufus is done fixing the US.
My Spanish people are totally screwed on this…LA Computadora- female. El ordenador - male. El archivero- male…etc. They’re screwed.
Mexico too! They got all sorts of Mexi-cans!