It’s a betrayal of Ukraine, Europe, NATO, the western world and America.
To blame the traditional double standards of american politics on one man or another is a hell of a getaway!
He is a traitor by definition.
The United States is a second world country.
How dare you! We are third world at best! And looking at creating fourth and fifth as well.
Depends where. The red run welfare states are definitely 3rd World.
It’s not necessarily terrible deal making, we might not be privy to what Putin has offered to trump personally in return. Maybe a dacha here, or a casino in Crimea?
Nah, what he promised him is exactly what we see: $500B in rare earths, every year. Trump’s always been a terrible dealer, and this is no exception: he doesn’t do back-and-forth, he just tosses his entire hand on the table and says “here’s what I want”, then bullies you into accepting. If you don’t, he’ll either harass you, or back out saying YOU sabotaged the deal because you didn’t give him what he wanted immediately.
I accept that the dirty rock I was thinking about voting for would have made a bad deal too by asking for nothing. I admit it. But every once in the entire history of a people, there comes someone who is more idiotic than a dumb rock could ever wish it could have. That’s us right there. Best country in the world… Worst asshole president a country could ever have. We’re at 3 years and 10 months to go.
There is no deal. No one knows what the deal is because the deal doesn’t exist. Wait until there is a deal, learn of the details, and judge the deal on its merits.