And to those MPs, I have only one thing to say, “ok, boomer.”
There is a very small faction of billionaires siphoning wealth away from the world, truly hoarding it such that it is unused and unproductive. The role of the political class is to facilitate this and distract the general population away from it by setting naturally allied groups against each other. Divide and conquer is as old as humankind and we still fall for it every time.
So it is ageist to criticize boomers but not ageist to criticize gen z and younger? Sounds pretty ageist to me.
And we are supposed to feel sorry some boomers, and older, never bothered to learn how to use a computer or smart phone properly? Fuck off you disingenuous pieces of shit.
Middle-class boomers and above. Us poors have never owned jack shit in any era or generation.
Stfu boomer