Taxes are not the problem. Billionaires grabbing the money on the other side are the problem.
Know the difference
Dont forget actively using the government against the people
Don’t worry DOGE will fix that and every American will get a refund!
Yep, and this cartoon feels like America would keep voting for this stupid fascist stuff as long as they keep promising the Libertarian ideal of lower and lower taxes.
Americans trained to defund America, the enemy was inside all along.
Have you read A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear?
At the end of the libertarian experiment (which surprisingly ended in failure) they had almost no services in the town yet still paid as much taxes as the neighboring towns which had tons of fully funded services.
And they didn’t even deliver on that one simple thing.
Taxes go up for every voter making less than 357,000$
If you live in the USA then the government didnt decide to keep making it worse, the people did.
GOP wrote the last tax plan and they’re about to write the new one.
How fucked are you if you don’t file?
I didn’t file last year, because I’ve been in a clusterfuck of borderline homelessness and odd jobs for the past two years. Idk if I am even able to file this year if I didn’t last?
It sounds like you aren’t making much money, so you probably don’t owe much, if any, in taxes. For the year 2024, if you got a W-2 from your employer, you should file. What you did in previous years won’t affect your ability to file this year. Who knows? perhaps you will get a refund.
If Americans want a proper country, yall better get used to paying 40% taxes like in Europe muhahahahah!!!
Ok, some parts of Europe…Bracketed income tax is a thing for a reason, and it is a good reason.
more income == more tax.
If I’m making less than $20k/year, there’s no reason to give a shit about my taxes, just let me live yo.
If I’m making $200k+/year, then we have a conversation on our hands.
If I’m making 2,000k+/year, then we have a problem and the conversation should have have been completed by now.
exact numbers are not relevant. if you have a functioning brain, then you know what I mean.
This government doesn’t deserve our tax dollars. Theyve made it clear they’re funneling as much as possible straight to the billionaires.
Just don’t pay.
And what would that do?
They already run a deficit, so they’ll run a bigger deficit. Printing money is a flat tax on everyone. So not paying taxes is just applying a flat tax on others.
Plus you get to go to jail and cost me money to support you there.
I’m all for effective protest, but this doesn’t seem to be it.