The dude sucks but before you attribute this tweet to him:
This is a “fan” account. His official Twitter account is @Kash_Patel.
It’s telling of the fanbase but don’t go around showing this to people like it’s government communication or anything
Why is this post not moderated out? The title pretty clearly implies it’s Kash talking here.
His mind is rare bread: doughy and moldable.
Like 95% of COVID deaths are from the unvaccinated. They’re a rare breed because they social darwin’d themselves. I get they love the uneducated but they should probably keep enough alive to agree with them…
Blessed is the mind too small to doubt
It is indeed a rare bread that can withstand such pressure! My common bread gets completely smooshed just by the groceries shifting on the way home.
Now they’re rare, soon to be extinct. Poor bread.
“Unvaccinated people are rare bread”
[salivating in Bakery Enjoyer]
Please cough on this man
oh they will continue to get more and more rare as the years go by…
Bread is the sht you throw at ducks to get them to fck off.
Or does he mean rare breed: A nickname for one’s friend at a multi-racial school, in which from the person’s complexion, it is clear that there is some “cream in the coffee.”
Don’t feed ducks or geese bread, it’s very bad for them.
Maybe he wants to be sandwiches between two antivaxxers?
Half baked.
Isn’t this person in the government or something? (cba to Google)
This isn’t his Twitter handle right? Just some random antivaxxer?
Normally I’d be OK with the leopards eating their faces. But the problem is that these anti-vax fuckers are going to condemn ALL of us to a disease-ridden dystopian future if they fuck with our herd immunity.
Is this account real? Seems like an odd name.
He’s our newly appointed FBI Director.
One of the best things about the unvaxxed is that they Darwin award themselves so future generations don’t have to worry about them.