Granted, it’s not affordable. But the dream remains.
Man I miss the 90’s.
Yeah, me too man, kindergarten was dope.
I realise the 90s is park nostalgia for a lot of people… But it was still extremely shit for alot of people, particularly lgbtq. And most non coloured people in the US were still blissfully unaware of just how fucked the police and justice system were to minorities.
Yeah, who knew.
People forget but in thr 90s the government was so concerned about people giving their children food poisoning that all meat was cooked onto shoe leather
The 90’s may not have been a culinary golden age, but man I wish that was the biggest problem we were facing today.
There were more problems in the 90s, we just lacked the hyper-awareness that we have today
you know, i forgot theres so much more thai food now
As I look back, if I had to pick a decade to go back to and live in, yeah it would be the 90’s.’t_ask,_don’t_tell
This was the 90’s
It may have been good for some people, but they were literally looking for hints you might be LGBT and kicking you out of the military. DADT didn’t stop them either.
If you had a “pre-existing condition” which was defined by whatever the fuck the insurance company thought it could be, your medical condition wasn’t covered. Broke your foot, but had a lapse in health insurance in the last year or two? Now you have to prove your foot WASN’T broken before.
If you were a minority, job hunting was awful. People used “white” names on resumes just to get an interview, cause if your name wasn’t Michael or Joe, then it went straight in the trash.
Metrosexual was a thing cause they needed a term for “I took a shower this week, but I still fuck girls”
Gay panic was an excuse to literally murder someone and get away with it. “He was trying to fuck me, so I killed him and tied him to a tree”
You couldn’t adopt a kid, you couldn’t marry your love, you couldn’t be yourself, except in secret clubs.
Anyone who thinks the 90’s were peak society were too young to actually know what the 90’s were like.
This kind of mindset enables maga.