I can’t wait for the poorest states (which are all red) to go bankrupt because parents can’t go to work because their schools all closed.
Get ready for bible belt motherfuckers to be even dumber and there to be no standardized anything. What’s the point of having a federal government if you aren’t going to federalize important things like education?
They’re going to be disappointed when they find out the education department is basically just student loans and doesn’t set education policy for K-12 education. They distribute grants to K-12 schools but actual policy is mostly a state and local thing.
Also, they run a continuing education system in DC. I took a course in Mandarin before a trip to China once. I didn’t work for the government but there were classmates learning Mandarin for national security reasons who wouldn’t even tell me which agency they worked for.
TL/DR: The Department of Education isn’t setting policy for elementary or middle or high schools.
Great! So it’s another blatantly unconstitutional order. Only Congress can cut funding to an agency or even change its name, let alone abolish it.
and yet
I have faith in congress to have no spine and do exactly what they are told by der-kommisar.
This is what you voted for protest non-voters. Congratulations.