Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s reaction to Donald Trump walking past her at his joint congressional address went viral: “She looks like she couldn’t despise him more in this clip.”
Barrett, who was appointed by Trump in 2020, sided with a 5-4 Supreme Court majority to uphold a lower court order unfreezing $2 billion in foreign aid, drawing criticism from Trump supporters.
SCOTUS should be elected.
If a political party appoints a Judge then it is not possible for that judge to be unbiased.
Probably just smelled his soiled McDiaper and stale ketchup aroma
Maybe she just caught a whiff of his diaper load.
That’s exactly what I thought. Women tend to have a better sense of smell than men. Also, some people are super smellers - I wondered if she might be one when I saw that clip.
Anyone have a link to a non-twitter source?
I really like to use the Libredirect plugin, by the way…helps you avoid even accidentally sending traffic to sites that you select, and instead, sends them to alternatives.
The only thing is that is does not seem to solve the Facebook problem. I’m not sure if there are any solutions out there for that.
Sounds like it’s worth checking out. Thanks for the tip!
I heard Amy Coney Barrett was a RINO. Many people came to me and said Sir. she is a closet left wing liberal lunatic. But she came to me with tears in her eyes, begging for a job. I should have thrown her out like a dog. What a TOTAL LOSER!
She looks like the leopard ate her face and she understands why it did. But as long as she upholds the Constitution, that’s all you could ask for.