-get install actualleftistparty
Edit: I don’t even use Linux. I’m being infected by your stink.
sudo apt get *
I run as root in my non existent Linux.
You don’t do that in America (if you want to win). You take an existing party and push it in your direction. That’s how the party of Reagan is embracing tariffs.
Ask the whigs about it.
Hit: 1 in DNC Fetched 60 senators in 16 months Reading policy stances...Done Building volunteer organizations...Done Defending election outcomes...Done 219 house members can be upgraded, type "apt list --rebublicans" to see them. [actualleftist@admin]:
Just meet me at the
Way too good of an analogy in too many ways.
… the school shooter wasn’t voted class president by the students.
And Democrats aren’t armed or in a position of authority to stop it.
At some point they were in authority and could have made a difference…. But they decided to watch what would happen if they did nothing.
Dems haven’t had 60 seats in the senate since 1979. In 12 of the 16 most recent congresses they had less than 50.
I was specifically talking about Garland who didn’t investigate Trump, until it was too late.
Ah yeah, that’s fair. The SCOTUS also gave Trump immunity and took away state’s power to remove him from ballots despite it being law that he could not run for office after starting an insurrection, though. Much more impactful imo, considering there are no laws keeping a convicted felon from serving as POTUS he could still have been elected even from prison.
Republicans take a bad idea and make it worse.
I thought we were going to talk about 3rd parties once it’s not critical to democracy.
When are we going to wise up and realize that people who vacillate between “I won’t vote for genocide” and “why won’t the Democrats save us!?” are a fucking opp designed to kneecap the left?
Exactly. Division got us here. Only unity will get us out.
There are steps that need to be taken to get third parties.
First and foremost is the adoption of a voting system that can not only support third parties, but help them grow.
TLDR; Fight for Approval if you just want third parties to exist and occasionally win, Fight for STAR if you want third parties to grow and become powerful.
Now for the long part, talking about the problems with first past the post voting, and how that shapes the political discourse. Or you can watch this video.
Also, before anyone breaks in with Ranked Choice or IRV as it’s called, you might want to read up on the flaws section here.
And I’d write more, but the dog wants a walk, and that’s more important right now.
I think “we” realized it from day 1.
And, yet, here we are.
A screenshot of a tweet of a screenshot of a tweet put on top of a photo of a concert (?) where the person adds nothing. Why do people do this lol
@glimse didn’t realize it was pitch black. And what was likely to happen around a certain hungry memer.
I will reblog this every time
(Please include me)
The perfect analogy for the fucking US of A.
Officers arrived three minutes after Ramos entered the school and approached rooms 111 and 112, but they retreated.
Massacre at room 111. Massacre at room 112. Officer called out, “Yell if you need help!” A girl in the adjoining classroom said, “Help.” Ramos heard the girl, entered the classroom, and shot her.
Law enforcement approach his classroom from what sounded like the hallway three times, but they did not enter; during one of these occasions, he heard a student from the adjoining classroom 112 saying, “Officer, we’re in here. We’re in here.” As law enforcement had already left, Reyes said Ramos “walked over there, and he shot again.”
Reyes later heard law enforcement telling Ramos to come out of the classroom to talk, saying they did not want to hurt anyone. WTF? That’s the smartest line you would come up with? That the police don’t want to hurt anybody? What’s next, police threaten to shoot at hostages if shooter don’t give up?
At this point why should they say anything? They’ve been fighting tooth and nail for years against this. I feel this is the ‘when your enemy is making mistakes, don’t interfere’. They’re letting people see what they voted for, or didn’t get off their ass to vote for. Not even being part of Trumps’ base will be able to insulate them from what they’re about to struggle with.
What world are you living in?
They had 4 years to fight Trump and make sure he was properly tried and sentenced for his crimes and they just didn’t because they didn’t want to look like they were going after political opponents. They have actually done next to nothing to fight him.
And the “mistake” they don’t want to interrupt is Trump deporting people to random countries, setting up a giant concentration camp in gitmo, cutting cancer research funding and making life he’ll for trans people. So maybe they SHOULD interrupt this mistake, with more than just signs.
Anyone with 2 ears and 2 eyes saw and heard the warnings. This is on the American people who chose not to vote their way out of this. I don’t care what they didn’t accomplish, it could’ve been cut and dry if people just voted.
…and the American people are the citizens of Uvalde safe in their homes watching it live on their screens.
Did at least 51 put of 100 cops have to agree before busting down the door?
And the voters are the people who elected the shooters to run the town