Someone else said it and it bears repearing: If Panama doesn’t have a plan to blow the whole canal they need one ASAP.
They don’t need to blow it. They just need to sabotage the locks.
Without functional locks, it is just the world’s largest water feature.
Pretty much this. Even with modern equipment, it would be a huge feat of engineering to fix the locks in a short enough timeframe to not have a huge effect on the world economy. Without the Panama Canal, cargo ships are gonna be burning WEEKS navigating around the Cape or coming around through the Arctic.
Honestly I hope they rig it to blow
They have no armed forces. Panama always assumed that because of the importance of the canal, in case of external aggression the US will step in to defend them. LOL.
Why is this funny?
What a ridiculous waste of resources.
Republicans, what a ridiculous waste of oxygen