But the most jarring aesthetic in this burgeoning MAGA stagecraft is the unbridled embrace of face-altering procedures: plastic surgery, veneers, and injectables like Botox and fillers. (As one Daily Mail headline declared, “Plastic surgery was [the] star of [the] show” at the Republican National Convention in 2024.) The overall look has since been disparagingly referred to as “Mar-a-Lago face.”
plastic surgery, veneers, and injectables like Botox and fillers
That sounds an awful lot like gender-affirming care. Guess they aren’t real women/men.
/s (except for the fact that I don’t think they’re even really human anymore, but that has nothing to do with the care they received and everything to do with the shit they spew)
We need to start having boxing matches or fights for their political debates so everyone can see how cowardly and insecure they really are. He may be old, but I bet you Bernie Sanders could take 70% of Republican politicians in a fight. Maybe watch Al Green hit someone in the face with his “pimp cane.” And AOC would fuck some shit up.
We need to start having boxing matches or fights for their political debates so everyone can see how cowardly and insecure they really are
Reminds me of when Saddam Hussein challenged Bush Jr to a duel. Yes this actually happened.