• Carmakazi@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    I am ashamed to admit that I was a Republican voter years ago, and I voted for Trump 2016, expressly under the hope that the “adults in the room” would be able to steer him away from his worst impulses and generally manipulate him into being a run of the mill American president. Instead the Republicans coalesced around him and let that fucking evil moron call the shots. I have never voted for another Republican since and most likely I never will.

    But apparently a career politician can’t learn that same lesson? I call bullshit. It’s the classic question, ignorance or malice? Most people will choose ignorance as the lesser of the two charges if they can help it. I think Schumer knows exactly what he is doing, and why he is being told and paid to do it. Their refusal to remove him from office in 2019 should have been the final sign that they were ride or die.

    • ilinamorato@lemmy.world
      9 days ago

      I have also not voted for a Republican since 2016, though I had already made up my mind about Trump by then and cast my first vote for a Democrat for president that year.

      And let me tell you…in the almost-decade since then, I’ve been so radicalized against the GOP I supported full-throatedly for the first 30 years of my life; and mostly because the folks I counted as friends literally threatened my family when I spoke out against Trump.

      Since then, and seeing the lies ooze out of the GOP machine in support of Trump, I’ve reflected on the stuff I used to believe and realized just how much of the Republican platform has required lies in order to function. I’m so jaded against Conservatism now that I can’t even stomach the fact that I campaigned for Dubya anymore–because he laid the groundwork for this idiocy.

      Anyway, a big part of that has been realizing that the vast majority of Democrats aren’t the evil masterminds that the Conservative political punditry machine told me they were, but instead feckless frauds, well-meaning-at-best.

      Schumer knows what he’s doing, yes. But I don’t think he’s choosing the lesser of two evils. I don’t think he’s made any of these choices with any real rational consideration or thought. I think he’s just trying to ride the fraud out to the bitter end, and saying that he “trusted” Republicans is just the latest way to save face and keep the fraud going a little bit longer.

    • ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world
      9 days ago

      Because basically everything in the Democratic Party is fundraising and seniority now and he represents NY and has for years. The way you advance within the Democratic Party is fundraising. So, leadership almost inevitably represents NYC, San Francisco, LA, etc. If you can have a fundraiser with guests from Hollywood, Wall Street, or Silicon Valley, it’s pretty easy to be one of the top Democratic fundraisers.

      The only other ways to match that are basically: be independently wealthy, have an unusual level of celebrity and a national profile (like AOC), or be the chair of the appropriations or finance committee or something similarly powerful. There’s no official rule about it but traditionally, Democrats assign committee positions by seniority. So, you get a bunch of out-of-touch old people running powerful committees and easy-to-caricature coastal elites as the main faces of the party in Congress. (Republicans have 6-year term limits for committee leadership and fewer norms around seniority.)

      Republicans obviously don’t have fundraising issues since the FEC doesn’t enforce election laws and they have billionaires on their side. Super PACs legally aren’t allowed to coordinate with the campaigns but, of course, Elon Musk, who setup and funded the biggest Super PAC, literally made campaign appearances with Trump and crashed at Mar-a-Lago for awhile. Of course they fucking coordinated.

  • Pronell@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    Even if they did, we would still be saddled with Project 2025.

    The true enemy is the Federalist Society. Trump is a distraction. And as Schumer must know this, I can’t trust him one lick.

  • brucethemoose@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    Older politicians act like it’s 1950, and that algorithmic social media/personality TV isn’t completely dominating how people think en masse.

    In his world, Trump would have been pushed out. He just can’t grasp that that so many are drinking the kool-aid and that there’s too much support for whoever’s left to defy it.

  • mercano@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    I think the GOO sent a pretty clear message back in 2021 when they failed to convict Trump in the impeachment trial after the January 6th riot.

  • Stern@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    Folks were saying Biden was senile but jesus fuck Schumer’s brain worms must have eaten every last drop of intelligence that man had.

  • SinningStromgald@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    Chuck Schumer clung to belief Republicans would ‘expel’ Trump, book says

    Clearly we need better screening of congress members mental faculties if Schumer is that deliusional/stupid.