Very true.
But we’re speedrunning the fall of America.
Give it another year or two. You’ll start seeing widespread violence. We can only cross our fingers that it gets directed properly toward our traitorous government.
Very true.
But we’re speedrunning the fall of America.
Give it another year or two. You’ll start seeing widespread violence. We can only cross our fingers that it gets directed properly toward our traitorous government.
Do it Canada. The dumber half of our country needs to learn the hard way. And, unfortunately, the smarter half has to go along for the ride.
American here.
100% support you Canada. Keep it up.
We don’t want these cunts back.
Even when Democrats are in power, they still don’t do anything hardly at all.
They get plenty done. They just don’t get everything YOU want done.
Do yourself a favor and Google Biden’s accomplishments as president. He actually got a lot of good shit done. But Democrats are always held to a higher standard, so people like to pretend they didn’t do anything because they expect them to do everything.
even though we KNEW he would be worthless
Lol. So many people who paid absolutely no attention to his accomplishments as president crying online about how he did nothing.
So frustrating to people who actually paid attention. Guy was the most progressive president in pretty much all of our lives.
Could he have done more? Sure. And he should have. But for you to come on here and post that he was worthless is a condemnation of you, not Biden.
But yes. Blame the party that always respects the Constitution and has a voting history proving they regularly support the middle/lower classes while ignoring the party that regularly takes a shit on the Constitution, supports literal traitors, and only votes in favor of the wealthy.
Ukraine should just do what Russia did to them and what America does under Trump. Back out of the treaty at a later date.
Danish astronaut responds to Musk
claimlie that Biden abandoned ISS pair on purpose
Why do we have to keep doing the media’s work for them?
They should.
Our populace is too stupid to vote responsibly, which means the filth will always rise to the top, which means our government will always be corrupt, which means it can’t be trusted.
Distance yourself from us. Form allegiances with other countries. We cannot be trusted.
I’m sorry. I’ve voted at every opportunity to prevent this outcome. Many of us have. Just not enough.
The U.S. is rapidly turning into Russia, so it makes sense that we should start sounding like them.
"I’M PROTEST VOTING. " - Dumb Bastards
B…b…but the Democrats are genociders so I didn’t vote or voted 3rd party to help the Palestinians.
Did I help? Did I help them? Does this help them?
Yeah, because all things are equal. At least to simpletons.
Spoiler Alert: Look around you. Humanity is not going to address this issue. Enjoy your life and if you have kids, let them know their futures and their kid’s futures etc are going to be progressively bleaker.
Not sure I can find common ground with individuals who support felon rapists who illegally attempted to nullify 83 million American’s votes and is attempting to dissolve our federal government.
Some would call those individuals traitors.
Clown comment.
Good is funding a genocide?
Keeping your most important ally in the Middle East isn’t about good or bad. It’s simply necessary.
Now we have a worse “genocider”.
You aren’t just voting for the person to have power. You’re voting for their party to have power. It wasn’t just about Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.
And in case you didn’t notice, we’ve got some pretty serious issues here at home to be focusing on and taking into account when we vote. Palestinians are simply not at the top of my list.
Those idiots didn’t know going into the election that their vote wouldn’t affect the outcome, but they did it anyway.
Protest voters could conceivably include people who protested by not voting, and they most certainly affected the outcome.
Lol. So many dumb voters who think everything changes for the better overnight if they protest vote and don’t grasp that politics is a battle of voting for the less shitty option so you can take baby steps toward something better.
In the end, all they did was set us back X number of years/decades. Thanks stupids.
Saved on all my devices so I can watch on repeat wherever I am.